From this thread, we have this gem:
You strike me as the kinda guy that jerks off to documentaries about concentration camps.
From this thread, we have this gem:
You strike me as the kinda guy that jerks off to documentaries about concentration camps.
Might as well just start a general Pit thread for all the lame ass stuff people are posting over there. Oh, wait, we already have one!
The thread I’m referring to was started yesterday, 01/15. The thread you’re referring to was started 2 days prior to that.
I am referring to the same thread. There are many people posting really “dumb” things in that thread.
And this is the 2nd Pit thread spawned from it.
Ok, let’s try this again.
I referred to the “What are your most extreme, honestly held views?” in IMHO started by Shagnasty. That thread was created 01/15/12 (yesterday).
You come in and remark that a thread you linked to, entitled “The “You are dumb” thread” was a general Pit thread for all the lameass stuff being posted in the thread I linked to. That thread was created on 01/13/12.
Therefore, the thread you linked to couldn’t possibly be a Pit thread about the stuff people are posting in the IMHO thread, because the thread I linked didn’t exist at the time the Pit thread was started.
Of all the shit in that thread, you selected that one thing to create a new thread about?
Also, the thread was created specifically for the purpose of giving people a chance to air their most extreme views. By definition, they know that what they are saying is likely to be unpopular or abhorrent or unworkable. What’s the point in pitting them for it?
Personally, i think Qin Shi Huangdi’s desire to ban no-fault divorce is actually one of the most extreme and retarded things i’ve read in that thread.
People are posting all sorts of dumb stuff in that IMHO thread. It’s pretty stupid to take pot shots at individual posts, since that will lead to a whole slew of these types of threads (we already have 2). Why not just one catch-all thread? Oh wait, we already have one that could serve that purpose even if it wasn’t created for that purpose.
We need a new thread, this one’s spoiled already.
At least the other thread served the purpose of letting the rest of the world know who the crypto-fascists are.
“If I had the power, I would impose totalitarianism”. Oooookay - then let’s make damn sure you never get the power, nor anyone who agrees with you.
I agree. Anyone suspected of totalitarian tendencies should be rounded up and interned indefinitely in a reeducation camp until they’re willing to sign a loyalty pledge to freedom.
I didn’t say anyone should be sent to a concentration camp. I said they should not get the power to impose totalitarianism.
Neither should stupid people, so don’t count on my vote if you ever run for anything besides cover.
OK, Vinny, this is a blow, no doubt. But you can deal with this! It will be tough at first, but you can get over this.
Baby steps!
Don’t call them totalitarian or they’ll have you rounded up and shot.
Umm…I don’t necessarily agree with the highlighted sentence, but the rest of what he posted is absolutely correct.
I’m just going to come out and say it, I hate niggers.
Ooops, wrong thread. I meant to say I hated niggers in that other, more acceptable format thread. Damn. I’ve been outed.
“all religion should be banned” is correct?! This is why y’all are such assholes. You still don’t get the disconnect. Believing that all views other than yours should be banned is a bad thing and is the same damn reason you hate religious extremists.
Fucking hypocrites.
Your argument to this is of course going to be “but my side is RIGHT!”, and you will still not understand the disconnect here. I have truly come to the conclusion that far too many of the overly strident atheists become atheists because they can’t reason. On some level, they know they aren’t all that strong in that area, which is why they latch on to a world view famed for its “reason”. It’s more of an emotional decision stemming from an inferiority complex over their own intelligence than it is a cold and rational decision. There is way too much hate evident in their posts for it to have been a cold and rational decision. Atheism makes them feel as if they are smart and have a greater capacity for reason and enlightenment, even if they would fail a freshman level college course on logic.
The bastards are as bad as some college kid that just read Atlas Shrugged for the first time. “If only everybody just thought like this, the world would be great!” Fuck that. The sentiment expressed by yogsosoth and clothahum is as stupid and childish as it is loathsome.
Only the sexy ones with the really skinny supermodel girls!
Anyways, its perfectly fine to get rid of religion because its ok to be intolerant of intolerance. You see, ultimately, I’d want a society where you can believe what you want provided you follow one rule: don’t bother people who don’t believe what you believe. That one rule makes everyone equal, as you can have the craziest belief about anyone else you want but only if you allow them to have the same. Its an equalizer. Its like the Golden Rule
If one group tries to sneak some kind of bullshit into that system by taking advantage of the freedom that everyone enjoys and expecting others not to retaliate, then I have a problem with it. Religion likes to play the victim and claim crap like they’re being persecuted, when in fact they are simply being defended against by people tired of religion trying to persecute them. What do you want, religion to have free reign to attack others? If religion won’t play by the rules and leave everyone alone, then religion needs to end
What I would take issue with A Monkey with a Gun’s caricature of my beliefs is that he seems to think I want everyone to think the same. I don’t. Believe it or not, I can live perfectly fine with religious people and religion in the world. Sure, I prefer it not be around, but I can certainly tolerate them and leave them alone provided they afford me the same courtesy.
But religion never leaves anyone alone. It either proselytize or kills. If religion never tries to force its rules into law, or pretends like other religions or atheists asking for equality is an attack, then I can be fine with it. I can tolerate that from asshole political beliefs, but not from something that’s provably fake. At least with politics, its a difference in opinion many times, not a difference in facts. Religion taints that, because somewhere deep down there is the belief that some invisible man in the sky wrote down some archaic rules thousands of years ago for you to follow, and that it never ever should change.
Its a lot like abortion. Religion is pro-life, trying to force everyone to do it their way. Atheism is pro-choice, which makes you can either abort or NOT abortion. Even though by default, its like atheism telling people to do it their way, in practice, it means you have the freedom to choose to ultimately get an abortion or not. Religion never acknowledges that there are plenty of pro-choice people who wouldn’t abort, they just want the option there in case someone else wants to. People like me who wouldn’t mind to have religion be a part of the world (because its really annoying having to fight them all the time) simply want to be left alone by religion. Don’t censor “obscenities” because some of us like it. Don’t tell use we can’t abort because some of us want to. Don’t tell us that all leaders running for high office needs to pass a de facto religious inquisition. Don’t try to ban things we like such as prostitution, drugs, or other vices. Just leave us the fuck alone, can you do that, religion?
Can all of you insufferable religious people look at yourselves and admit honestly that you’re not being persecuted, you’re simply pretending to be that to hold on to your power? If the basic tenets of your belief is that you must restrict the actions of others to freely practice their belief, then your belief is wrong. And say what you want, but me asking you to tolerate atheists isn’t changing your beliefs as much as you telling us we shouldn’t even exist. So fuck yeah, I stand by what I posted in that other topic. Religion should be banned and religious people should be forcibly converted or killed. Its a blight on mankind, the worst thing we’ve ever invented, and the sooner it is removed, the better.
Okay, I’m sure that either I’m reading this wrong or there’s some sort of joke / reference that I’m missing, but do you really mean this? Or is your comment flying over my head for some reason that I’m too drunk to pick up on right now?
Please tell me I’m just being dense. Because I like you and from what I’ve seen of your posts, you’d never say something like this. Until its been explained to me, color me astonished.
Fucking A, you are just too shrill and hateful to see the disconnect there. “Reason”, my ass. You’re an idiot.