You can buy WHAT on ebay? (redux part 23)

OK ebay is not content with selling houses, but now you can buy an entire town!
My plans for blowing billions of dollars on playing a real life version of TheSims is one step closeer
bwah ha ha ha

I think it is misleading you into thinking you will own the whole town. No, more than think, It is misleading you.

bolding mine.

It says you get a working town, blah blah blah. Uh huh, for only half a million dollars? It also mentions it has 117 students, which would mean an estimated population of 200 people, where do these people live? Do every single one of them just rent from the current owner?

Sounds fishy.

It’s real - it is a pretty-much-abandoned logging town - the tress have all beeen cut, so there is no commerce.

How odd. Interesting though.

This is more expensive, but a better deal if you’re in the market for a town. Town Seeks Solitude-Loving Owner with Deep Pockets. They want $3.2 million, but look what you get.
