"You can really smell the anteater. It's awesome!"

My girlfriend said this to me this weekend, in all earnestness.

She doesn’t understand why I laugh.

Is there some context to that comment?

You might want to contact a moderator to put the reserved and rare triple-TMI tags around that title.

Well, there was a quote from Invader ZIM:

“Mmmmm…you can still smell the monkey.”

But I don’t think that’s it.

There is, but I’m a bit curious about whether or not anyone else on the planet can make sense of it without supplied context.

I couldn’t even get her to admit that it sounded funny at all. She was totally serious.

I wish I had it on tape. Imagine it: Czech accent, and enthusiasm bordering on reverence.

Way back in high school, uncircumcised males were referred to as “anteaters.”

Now, I’m not sayin’ that’s what she meant, I’m just sayin’…

new zoo exhibit
new perfume /cologne/after-shave
new restaurant or recipe


Welll, I’m cut and love to squick her out by pretending to share JDT’s views about circumcision to watch the faces she makes. No enthusiasm for those kinds of anteaters from her – and no smegma fetish, either.

No zoo, no exotic foods. Perfume is closest, but still pretty wide of the mark.

Scratch-n-sniff zoology textbook?

The scent was an incidental quality.

Insect repelant or killer. (e.g. Raid).


It’s got to be wine. Only wine tasters say things like that.

Aw, this isn’t fair. By the nature of the board, it’s bound to be pretty far from people’s minds.

She’s big into traditional chinese medicine, and has a cupboard full of tinctures she’s put together. The one she was enthusing about contained some of this stuff amongst its ingredients. (She used Jack Daniels as a solvent, which I’m not completely sure is entirely traditional.)

Anyway, it gets a bit weird sometimes. I mentioned before that she’s tried to get me to take remedies that contain (by design) trace amounts of arsenic. This weekend, I was uncomfortable for a time in her apartment because she likes to keep the windows open wide, it’s February, and I have Raynaud’s, which makes me pretty intolerant of cold. Her recommendation? Aconite root. Of course!

Well, the nookie is good. The main bummer is that I can’t persuade her to watch Grey’s Anatomy or House, because she thinks they’re “propaganda for the pharmaceuticals.” :smiley:

I love that website! Seriously. I used to be the Administrator of a very tiny alternative medicine college. We taught TCM and Chinese herbs, among other things. Never used chuan shan jia - in fact, we rarely taught animal “herbs” because it squicks out American students. But we did once get a huge brown bag of cicada shells we didn’t order, and two lizards on a stick. I made the lizards our mascots, until they got stolen.

I do make a fantastic muscle linament which calls for centipedes, but that’s the only non-vegan ingredient I use with any regularity.

(Oh, and can I just snark that keeping windows open in February is HORRIBLY anti-TCM. IS she trying to kill you with a wind invasion or somethin’?)

Run. Run away. Now!

That line is second only to “He was a quiet guy, always kept to himself” as a portent of disaster.

Run away!

Believe me, I keep running away. Then some time passes, she calls me up and asks “Wanna come over right now?” and I do. (It really is good, and I’m an awful cad.)

WhyNot, I like the lizard-on-a-stick. It’s fun to go down to Chinatown with her to pick up her goodies. Niftiest thing so far has been dried seahorse, which I had fun photographing and fiddling with in photoshop. (On her computer, so no linky.)

That site is a trip. As a fourth year medical student, I think I’m going to try to get a patient to take this. I mean, I’m pretty open minded, to each his own and all that. But that’s beyond squicky. That’s almost pathologic.

I’m on OB/Gyn now and I’ve been around enough placenta to last me the rest of my life. I mean I know some people make lasagna out of their own. That’s about my limit, do what you want to your own body (or remnants of) but eating banked, collected, dried placenta is a bit out of my comfort zone.

Been there, done that. Posted about it, with scans of the box of prepared placenta pills and accompanying literature, but can’t seem to find it in a search.

One thing that I remember about the package insert was assurances the pills were made with only placenta from “healthy young women.” Makes sense, I guess. Let’s face it, swallowing preparations made with the placenta of unhealthy old women is gross. :smiley:

TCM: What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!

I kid (apart from the heavy metalsand body parts from endangered species) there is a lot to be said for TCM and traditional herbal medicine.