I have never had much problem with underarm odor. I have certainly never had strong BO. Many other people’s underarm odor smells like onions or perhaps some canned food gone bad. Mine smells like vagina. I ran out of deodorant about three weeks ago and after a few days I stuck a finger under there and smelled. It smelled exactly like pus. It is kind a turn on really. Each underarm has its own unique smell. I feel like I am holding two naked women, one under each arm. As far as I know, no one can smell this but me. If I were single, I could fake guys out with the old smell my finger for proof gambit. As it stands, I have no use for this super-ability.
Well…I didn’t expect to hear that when I woke up this morning.
Your underarm smells like that?
Geez, how far in did you have your hand?
why did I open this thread?
And the shnozberries taste like shnozberries…
Please add an “s” on the end of that, or give me a list of the women you’ve been with so that I may avoid them.
You ran out of deoderant three weeks ago?
Or is this a reflection post?
It should be obvious from my OP that I don’t want anymore deodorant at the moment. It is like a threesome all the time and who in the hell would drop napalm on that. I am just getting to know them. When it is time to breakup, it may be the easiest one I ever had. I can just walk into the health and beauty isle, pickup some Speedstick and erase the issue in a matter of seconds. I see know downside at the moment.
You wouldn’t be posting while drunk, would you?
No, I don’t drink anymore and these things seemed to be clinging on for dear life regardless of my current state. I think I started some culture lines because the odor is faintly recognizable belonging to former lovers but yet crissed and crossed and more evolved. My armpits seem to be haunted by things long past yet fondly remembered and reluctant to go away.
Try the little salt-chunk groovy hippie deodorant rocks-- doesn’t cover anything up witt a smell, just kills bacteria.
Sorry, forgot you didn’t drink anymore. I didn’t mean any offense.
As for the rest; well, enjoy yer pits, m’man! :eek:
Username: Shagnasty
Underarm: smells like pussy
I gotta ask: Can I bang you left and right? (But only if you shave them)
Um, thanks for sharing.
Remind me not to open any more “My _____ smells like _____” MPSIMS threads any time soon.
I’m more worried about the women you’ve been with, whose quims smell like your BO.
Um…I woudn’t bet on it. I always thought it was true that people don’t smell nearly as bad to themselves as they smell to others. Other people might not think your armpits smell like pussy, but I bet they think they smell like something. Something strong, probably. :dubious:
Well, he does give his user name as Shagnasty after all.
I’ve been on the SDope a long time now. And in all those years, I have read some really funny, sad, heartwarming, evil and downright boring threads. I’ve clicked on kitty-pics even, and raging tirades against paedophiles/Bush/telemarketers. I’ve joined in with the general bonhomie of the board, and shared in the highs and lows of posters’ lives.
But there ain’t no way I am getting involved in this one. No sir-eee.
Shagnasty, either you are a sick puppy (for posting the OP) or you are a VERY sick puppy (because your armpits smell like something they shouldn’t).
Time to visit a shrink or a gynaecologist I’d say.
Say, shouldn’t this be in the Pit?
Best thread title I’ve seen in a long, long time.
And Rysdad, best reply.