You can't work for us, but you can't work for them either!

As someone who works for Megacorp, (I think), I can tell you that we post jon openings and hire contractors from several different contractor agencies, or no agency if we like the resume. Have you considered contacting that department w/in Megacorp directly? Or maybe sign on with another contractor agency and reapply for that position w/in Megacorp?

blanx- My company is in Ohio, the new one and the client are in Kain’tuck. Fwiw, I’m going to a lawyer tomorrow.

Humph. Good luck.

My dad had to give up a dream of a job because the company he worked for threatened to sue him if he went to work at this other place. Fuckers.

Wait, there’s a new Ohio? What happened to the old one? We’d barely used it!

Oh, and Guin, scroll up. You already posted the story about your dad…five months ago. :wink: Freaky zombie threads.