Now, I’m in the car driving at a good enough speed, this is only my third time out on the road with the instructor, and I’m not exactly too used to it yet. On Rockaway Boulevard, all of a sudden, this maggoty cuntdripping (who double-parked, by the way) flings open her car door and GETS OUT without looking.
The instructor SLAMS on the brakes, and then, the goddamned whore starts yelling at ME for almost hitting her!
Your instructor needs to calm the fuck down. That lady needs to wise the fuck up and you need to toughen the fuck up. It gets worse: just do a search for the profanity of your choice and “car” here.
I remember begining that age and getting flustered while learning to drive. You fell off your horse; hop back on and suck it up. Actually, you didn’t fall. You tipped a bit to one side and got scared. These things happen.
Oh, for crying out loud, give the boy a break. Driving is a scary thing at first. You’re nervous. You don’t know what you’re doing. He’s in driver’s ed, which means that he has very little experience. Plus, I think the “I’m done with driving” was a bit of hyperbole.
DSOTF, people are stupid. Really, really stupid. If you haven’t learned that yet, then it’s a lesson it’s your turn to learn (everyone has to sometime). And the driving thing will get better, I promise. I crashed the car into a tree the first time I was behind the wheel (in my defense, my mother decided that my first time driving should be turning out onto this narrow road with ditches and lots of trees and very little instructions about what should be done).
In case you didn’t notice it wasn’t the driving I was commenting on. I know learning to drive is not easy and that there are plenty of stupid inconsiderate drivers out there. That I sympathize with that. It’s the use of such profanity that I find extreme and unnecessary. Getting upset, angry or annoyed is just human. Learning how to deal with it is maturity. I expect more maturity than that out of someone old enough to get behind the wheel.
Yeah–I have to say that in this situation, there were two mistakes:
The lady should have looked before getting out of her car. Now, it may be that even if she’d looked, she wouldn’t have seen: if Floyd was driving too fast, or if she were in a small car parked in front of an SUV or something, she may have been unable to see his approach.
Floyd bears ultimate responsibility. If you’re driving in the lane adjacent to parked cars, you need to be constantly alert to the possibility of a pedestrian emerging from one of these cars, or from between these cars. Drive slowly, be prepared to shift lanes, and try to give as much of a buffer as possible between you and the parked cars without drifting into the other lane.
In the end, I think her cussing of you was more justified than your cussing of her, Floyd. No worries, though: we all make dumb mistakes when learning to drive (I almost turned out in front of a speeding pickup), and that’s why the instructor gets brakes on his side.
Profanity in a pit thread? Fuck off. He didn’t say that either the instructor or he cussed at the woman. Matter of fact, from the OP, all the instructor did was slam on the brakes.
I don’t see where either the instructor or DarkSideoftheFloyd did anything wrong.
But, DSotF, you might as well start getting used to it. Maniacs and idiots abound on the streets. Grow eyes in the back (and sides) of your head, and always stay alert. That woman is not the only example of the type you will encounter. Get back on the horse, and keep learning!
May I suggest that the pit might not be the place for you, if hyperbole and naughty words perturb you so much?
On the other hand, if this is going to be Temperance Day down here, then there’s a thread about gone-off milk with no fewer than three occurrences of the word “fuck” and one reference to supernatural spooge that probably needs looking at. Onward, noble warrior; onward.
No, I don’t really think so. She was double-parked, and it’s very unusual for someone double-parked to just up and leave their car - usually they’re waiting on someone and sit there with the engine running or else go and park the car legally.
At least in my world; YMMV.
I think anyone who double-parks their car and then leaps out into traffic without looking deserves well and truly to get pitted. And I refuse to believe that Floyd, driving with an instructor, was hooning along too fast for her to see, as you’re suggesting.
I’m guessing you didn’t see that bit, since it also would mean that there’s no reason for her view of traffic to be impeded since there wouldn’t be anything behind her *except * moving traffic.
Nope. While you need to be careful, there is nothing you can do if someone swings a door into your car. Might as well blame the driver if some one jumps off an overpass.
It may be that the woman was at fault–I hadn’t considered that her double-parking might signify that she wasn’t planning on getting out. And I apologize, if necessary, for getting Dark’s gender wrong.
All the same, I do think that, unless the woman darted out into traffic, it’s the person in the moving vehicle with the responsibility to avoid any collision. People in parked cars will open doors, and you shouldn’t be driving so close to the parked cars than an open door will cause a collision.
It may be that lanes are narrower in other places than they are here, but if that’s the case, streetside parking ought to be illegal: there’s just too much potential for an accident otherwise.
I had some traumatic driving school experiences, but nothing involving someone coming into the road unexpectedly. You’re well-justified for the obscenities, and don’t let it put you off driving entirely.
…Re-reads post
Hmm. Re-read description of the Pit.
Hmm. Looks at cosmodan’s join date.
Uh huh.
Buddy, chill. The internet isn’t real life. Darkside had a scary (for a beginner) experience, so she came here to vent. I doubt she banged a U-ie and attempted to mow the bitch down (though when I’m king that will be justifable homicide), nor did she do 80 the entire way home because she was p o’ed.
Hell, who cares if she cursed a little. I’ve heard it said that you know you’re from Jersey when you know at least 13 ways to use the word “damn” while driving and use them all. Cursing at dumbasses on the road is as American as Henry Ford. Why do you hate Detroit, cosmodan?
You’ve been here since February and you’re surprised that someone would use profanity in a Pit thread about everyday occurances? Please.
You’d honest to god have to ban cars in many cities, then. There’s no where else to park and the streets can’t be widened. I am not saying it’s not a good idea: it’s just that it is a huge proposal.
Are you under the impression that the* instructor* was the one yelling at **Floyd **. All the instructor did was hit the brakes. That’s why they have a separate set of brakes in training cars.
I disagree with Left Hand of Dorkness that **Floyd **bears the “ultimate responsibility”. It’s true that an experienced driver would likely pick up on certain signals that something out of the ordinary was about to happen, but, really, if you throw your door open into oncoming traffic, you bear the ultimate responsibility if your door gets taken off.
I may just have an unrealistic idea of what it’s like to use cars in big cities, then (nowhere I’ve lived has required a driver to drive so close to a line of parked cars that an opened door would risk a collision). Given that, I’ll withdraw my previous comments.
Strongly disagree, especially because the woman in question was double-parked. That almost guarantees a collision if a door is opened wide enough. DSotF was lucky she could get around the car at all. Whenever I park along the street, I always, always crane my head around as much as possible to look for cars coming, open the door the minimal amount possible for me to squeeze out if need be, and am generally very careful. See, not only should you be looking out for cars, but also for bicycles, which even though they’re expected to follow the rules of the road like a car, they’re also typically squeezed over into that narrow gap between where cars are expecting to drive and the curb/parked cars along the curb.
DSotF, IMO the woman was being a bitch. Learning to drive is tough, but I promise it’ll get better.