You know you're getting old(er) when

You have a pill minder with compartments labelled morning/noon/bedtime - but need another for the dose at 4 PM. And at each meal, the number of pills > the number of dishes making up the meal.

The speed dial on your telephone is 1 doctor, 2 pharmacy, 3 specialist, 4 clinic…

You see a TV ad for Pizza and the first thought is “heartburn”.

All the typical sitcom jokes about older people aren’t funny anymore.

True story. When I was a kid, restaurants, such as Kentucky Fried Chicken, would routinely play what I called “old fogey” music. Like Lawrence Welk, that kind. Easy listening. I’d always bitch to myself, “:can’t you play any modern music? Not everyone is old and likes that stuff.”

Fast forward to the 21st century. I was at a now-KFC, and they were playing 80s alternative, and I’m like, “it’s about time!” Then I realized that, in the year 2010, 80’s alternative WAS “old fogey” music.

As long as you don’t get mailers from the people IN the cemeteries!

Realizing some of the people you once knew and liked are now gone is a real downer.

Almost as bad is running into one who’s still alive and seeing how they’ve deteriorated: “My God, do I look that bad?”

For me, an example very similar to the OP’s was about a year ago. I saw an advertisement for arthritis relief cream featuring Paula Abdul.

It’s now become a “saga” that’s “studied” and subject to all kinds of “interpretation.” I’m sure PhD dissertations have been written about it in a number of disciplines.

The same thing happened with Star Trek fifty years ago. Both are now part of our cultural consciousness, despite their many flaws.

Punchinello, Punchinello,
where have you and Judy gone?
Gone to join the swelling ranks
of things that they look back upon.
Memories can conjure up
those dreams of yesterday,
but the Punch and Judy Man is gone forever.

Mr.Punch and Judy Man,
please bring back my childhood land of summer!

I remember having this discussion with my high school English teacher actually. Not about Star Wars or Star Trek, but about when a work goes from being something with no actual authorial intent for anything other than entertainment to being “literature” with motifs and symbolism and all that jazz, and whether or not the authors even intended any of that stuff to be there in the first place. I never got much of an answer out of him; he seemed to say that if people were finding it there, it was there, regardless of whatever the author had written.

I mean, I seriously doubt that Lucas wrote the first Star Wars trilogy as any sort of literary anything- it was just three movies that told an extended story that he wanted to make money on. But now it’s treated with academic seriousness, which is kind of ridiculous to me.

It’s kind of like going to the dentist. He may not intend to hit that nerve as he probes, but you sure do react when he does!

I saw a meme not long ago that went something like this:

Teens: This radio station is playing my jam!

Twenties: This club is playing my jam!

Thirties: This grocery store is playing my jam!

When you play a song from a well known group and a passenger says: “Oh yeah, that is group my mom liked.” The song can’t be that old, can it?


Depends on the station!

20 years ago, when I was working at the grocery store pharmacy, one of my elderly customers, now deceased, said, “What is with this overhead music?” I replied, “This is one of the channels the overnight crew likes, and that said, this song was popular when I graduated from high school, and I’ve seen this band in concert 4 times.”

The song? “Tom Sawyer” by Rush.

It actually would have made sense when she was at the height of her fame, because she’s also a dancer.

I’m no longer bothered when kids in my apartment complex ask me if I have any GRANDchildren they can play with when they come over. Since I don’t even have any kids, that’s a bit difficult, but at 58, some people I knew growing up are actually GREAT-grandparents.

When people you have habitually regarded as “old” all your life now offer to help you get on the bus.

bump - Regarding pop music, it’s the realization that it’s empty-calories fluff, always has been, and always will be, so there’s no point in making a big deal about any of it. I remember all the continuous screamfests about Justin Bieber, and from beginning to end my only thought was “Not one bit of this is out of the ordinary! What are you people on about?”

terentii - Uh, yeah, that too. I was thinking more of the, ahem, debates over the later movies, particularly 7-9. Particularly 8-9. Let’s just say that the creators of Buck Rogers never had to deal with those kind of headaches.

One more that I forgot: The classic rock station now plays songs you liked in college. Routinely.

When I was a kid, I would routinely hear my grandmother remark on an actor, when they appeared in an older movie or show, “they used to look so young.”

Yeah, I do that now.

Also, and I’m not entirely sure, but I think I’m starting to see age spots on my hands - I’m 44!

Just remembered something that happened at work the other day.

I took a construction job after leaving a previous, almost 20-year career. So I’m the age of job leads and our project manager. Only the boss is older than me. As a result, most of my “peers” are quite a bit younger.

One guy, who just turned 21 this year (I could be his father and then some) listens to a lot of podcasts. One morning he took out his earbud and said “Guys! Did you know that Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark??”

I was like yeah, dude…I remember that.

There’s that urban legend about a kid finding out that Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings. However, I’m sure there have been plenty of young people in recent years who learned that Dave Grohl was in another drastically different band before the Foo Fighters, and that Darius Rucker was in a pop band before he made country music.

My kids agree with you. I was texting them, and a household problem came up. One of them said “Guess I’m off to check YouTube.”

My comment was: If a video starts off with a kid in a basement saying anything like this…

Hey, what’s up, guys? I’m just chillin’ in my studio with my homie Loofer, say hi, Loofer, eh, he never says hi, but we be preparin’ to get some household appliance repair knowledge comin’ atcha! You having a good day? Hit me up in the comments and let me know how good… and don’t forget that Subscribe button!

… just skip ahead 60 seconds and see if there’s anything helpful going on.

They agreed with me and said they’d only watch 10 seconds of that shi’ before they’d move on “to something made by older peeps.”

Rock stars are dying of natural causes.

And at ages older than 27.