You Made a Mistake -- Don't Make It Worse!

We’ve had some unfortunate incidents here in Seattle lately.

A few weeks ago the Seattle police shot and killed a black man in his car. The police allege that the driver of the car, who had been stopped for a traffic violation, grabbed the officer who was citing him and drove away, dragging the officer for nearly a block before his partner was able to stop the driver by shooting him.

This incident incensed many people in the black community and in the neighborhood where it took place. There has been a lot of rhetoric dished out by self-appointed community leaders but no effective action has been taken, partly because there really isn’t much that can be done (they tried a boycott of Starbuck’s, which no one understood) but partly because there is also a backlash of feeling from those who feel the officers were justified in taking action in a dangerous situation. (The driver turned out to be a wanted felon, he may have been under the influence, etc.)

It is, of course, difficult for either side to convince the other that their point is valid. Those siding with the police insist this was a colorblind incident, and that the officers responded appropriately to the actions of the suspect. One of the officers involved was himself black, both have very good records, etc. On the other hand, there are voices in the black community who insist that the police (black or white) are racist, immediately escalating a routine incident to a dangerous incident just because the suspect is black, that they’ll close ranks to protect one another and distort or hide the truth to justify their behavior.

All that is preface.

You may have heard in the news that the mayor of Seattle was assaulted yesterday by a man with a megaphone. He was hit hard enough to break several bones in his face. The police immediately arrested a suspect, a black activist who was part of a small group of protesters at the community activity the mayor was attending. The protesters were there to call attention to the lack of action following the fatal shooting described above. The suspect, who is said not to be dangerous but who does have a previous assault conviction, had left the protest group and had gone forward to talk with the mayor.

Now – this is the incredible part. The suspect insists he didn’t do it! He says he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and was arrested just because he was black!

There were numerous witnesses who insist this is the man, including the mayor’s wife (the mayor didn’t see it coming – it was a sucker punch) and the CHIEF OF POLICE!

Okay – I can understand that underclasses in our society may feel oppressed by the establishment. I can understand being frustrated at not being able to correct wrongs, or not being able to even be heard. I can even understand, although I certainly don’t condone, lashing out. I can understand taking leave of your senses long enough to do a very stupid, hurtful thing because you were so angry. But I can’t understand why you would then use such an asinine way to try to escape responsibility for what you’d done.

He has now demonstrated for all those who want to believe it that black criminals are 1) liars who 2) blame the police for their crimes, and 3) use charges of racism to avoid prosecution. He apparently is much more concerned about his own situation than he really is about racism or oppression by the police. All his rhetoric is now tainted, self-serving, false.

He may have acted in the heat of the moment, but his response was a deliberate course, set in motion after there was plenty of time to weigh the issues. He chose to sell out his ideals. He could have, even after striking the mayor, been a voice calling out for reform. Now he’s just one more lying criminal.

I’ve seen the same kind of excuses in Cincinnati too. Folks try to use the fact that racism exist as an excuse for their acting like thugs. The result? Real racism is harder to fight.

There was a case in New Haven a few years ago, where the police attempted to pull over a car. The driver, who was smoking pot dipped in PCP, led the cops on a 3 town chase that ended with the driver trying to run down a police officer who was on foot. The officer ended up shooting and killing the driver.

The driver was black, and there was a huge uproar about this case. It took two years and a federal investigation to clear the officers name. In fact, until I looked it up a couple of minutes ago, I didn’t realize the officer had actually been cleared. There was so much outcry of the driver being killed for “driving while black” and “his only crime was being a young black male” that when the drama was over, and it was found the officer acted properly, the story was dropped immediatly. Yeah, his crime wasn’t a high speed pursuit while drugged up and trying to run over a cop. Uh huh.

If anyone cares to read a little more about it, here is the link

This crap pisses me off, because there are real problems out there, and crying racism at every turn cheapens the real cases of it.

People who cry racism at the drop of a hat don’t really care if it taints occasions where there is a REAL racist incident. All they care about is getting themselves off the hook for the consequences of their actions and screw everybody else. It’s evident that one more transgression against people (even if it’s people of their own race) isn’t going to make them loose sleep at night.

Its tragic, but when people keep pulling out the race card at every turn, its going to overshadow incidents of real racism. I know how in Philly a few yearas back a black woman (radio show host) decided to turn the closing of a road for recreational activity into her pet cause. She wanted that road open (although she admitted she didn’t really care about it). The ‘logical’ reasons given for re-opening the road were absurd. So soon she realized her cause needed galvanizing so she turned it into a racial issue. The white man was keeping the black man out of his park (never mind that most folks enjoying themselves were black), the white man was closing it for the benefit of suburban whites.

There was a public meeting, those blacks that stood up in favor of keeping the road closed were called ‘Uncle Tom’ and other slurs. The race card was played, and it was ridiculous. Folks who supported racial justice and wanted a car-free road to bike, jog & rollerblade on suddenly foudn themselves being accused of being racists. The media cowed down and treated this insanity with kids gloves. The result was a compromise that satisfied no-one, and this absurdity solved nothing.

This, along with several other incidents resulted in my contempt for black leadership, which has made excuses and laid blame rather than making real efforts. My sympathy for blacks who experience racism has been tempered by the way I’ve seen far too many blacks treat Asians and other minorities. Sadly, I’ve had to realize that cops could shoot a black man every day in every city and it still would not be an excuse for the sorry self-pity that masquerades as African-American leadership.

Anyone who says I base my opinoins solely on skin color I would point that when I lived in West Philly, the nicest politest, people there (and in fact anywhere I’ve been) were black. Of course they were direct immigrants from East Africa.

OK, flame away.

Anyone have a comment on the accusations of racism being leveled at the San Francisco Chronicle? I don’t know much about it, but here’s what I’ve heard:

Mayor Willie Brown. The SFChronicle has been doing an expose of him, saying that his friends are getting very, very rich through contracts for the city and that he is blatantly corrupt. In reaction, some black leaders are accusing the Chron, one of the most liberal papers in the country, of being racist and accusing Brown because he’s black.

Anyone from the Bay Area want to clarify?

People who pull out the race card, do so for their own self aggrandizement. They really don’t care about the people involved, they just want to get their names in the papers and their faces on TV. There have been several instances where members of a non-white ethnic group attacked a white person simply because he/she “happened to be”* white. The attackers were never charged with a hate crime, merely assault/murder/whatever.

I will agree with anyone who says that minorities have been treated horribly in this country, but to think that whites are the only ones capable of racist thought is to be so incredibly naive that it almost demands one be removed from the gene pool, IMHO.

[sub]*Anyone hear George Carlin’s rant about apologetic liberals using the phrase “happens to be black?” Damned funny, but not appropriate in this instance. I’m talking about people who decided that they’d beat the shit out of or kill the next white person they saw.[/sub]

While watching a 10-year retrospective of MTV’s “The Real World” a couple of weeks ago, I saw a scene in which a young black man, during an argument, told a young white girl that he wasn’t racist; in fact, it wasn’t possible for black people to be racist.

Amazingly, he made this statement immediately after justifying his actions during the argument. He kept pointing his finger at the girl’s face and getting very close to her. She told him to back off, and he said something to the effect of “I’m an emotional person. It’s a black thing. It’s what we do. You’re white; you wouldn’t understand.” She said that was a racist statement, and he replied as noted above.

I was amazed that so much ignorance could be packed into one body without causing a rupture.


Willie Brown was a slimy, self-serving, opportunistic politician when I was working in the California State Assembly; he was a slimy, self-serving, opportunistic politician when I was working in City Hall; and it seems pretty clear that he’s still a slimy, self-serving, opportunistic politician today. Remember, this is the man who told a national television audience (on Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect) that if you couldn’t take money from people and then screw them over, you shouldn’t be a politician.

Of course, it’s up to the Chronicle to root out the specific charges and find out what level of corruption and/or criminal behavior is going on.

But racism? Please! Willie Brown has brought scrutiny on himself by his behavior over the past 25 years. It wouldn’t matter whether he was black, white, green or purple, the Chronicle has not only a right, but a responsibility to investigate his actions.


‘Is it cos I is Black?’

Has become a catchphrase between me and my Asian mate.

I’ll ask him to do something, lend me a quid, give us a light, and he’ll instantly reply with the above.

It happens too much in the UK too.

Women use the ‘sexist card’ thing as well. It just numbs the real cases of sexism/racism whatever.

I’ve heard it, Tuckerfan. Damn near committed it to memory. The man’s one of my comedic idols.

This story is probably the most amusing example of someone crying racism that I’ve seen lately.

Uh, yeah, they’d let white people go to the bathroom. :rolleyes: