All of my hard work is beginning to pay off. Finally. Here’s the deal.
I took my classes, and as I was doing that, I was also taking a leadership class. The end result of all that is that I am now an Airman Leader, which gives me all the rights and privileges of absolutely nobody and gets me yelled at twice as loud and twice as often for my fellow airmen’s mistakes.
Why would I subject myself to that, you may ask. Well, so long as I keep my nose clean and maintain my 95% GPA, I will almost certainly be recommended for BTZ Senior Airman (E-4). That moves me closer to being able to test for Staff Sergeant by a good 6 months, at least. So my career is really moving quickly.
In addition to the above, the wedding is still on for the 24th, and I am now in Phase III, so anyone who wants to meet me in 'Nawlins, just let me know and it’s on.
That’s it for now. As always, I will keep you updated.
-A1C Dave Cartwright