You may now call me Airman Leader, if you prefer, OR I just got me my green rope!

All of my hard work is beginning to pay off. Finally. Here’s the deal.

I took my classes, and as I was doing that, I was also taking a leadership class. The end result of all that is that I am now an Airman Leader, which gives me all the rights and privileges of absolutely nobody and gets me yelled at twice as loud and twice as often for my fellow airmen’s mistakes.

Why would I subject myself to that, you may ask. Well, so long as I keep my nose clean and maintain my 95% GPA, I will almost certainly be recommended for BTZ Senior Airman (E-4). That moves me closer to being able to test for Staff Sergeant by a good 6 months, at least. So my career is really moving quickly.

In addition to the above, the wedding is still on for the 24th, and I am now in Phase III, so anyone who wants to meet me in 'Nawlins, just let me know and it’s on. :slight_smile:

That’s it for now. As always, I will keep you updated.

-A1C Dave Cartwright

Unfortunately, they haven’t taught me typing. It was SUPPOSED to be “now”, not “mow”.

I feel so sheepish.

That’s great, Dave - let me be the first to congratulate you!

Want my red rope, or will you make it that far, toots?

I swear to god, you’re pinging so hard, you’re single-handedly driving up high-octane sales in the area. :smiley:

Congrats, Airman Doors. I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well. :slight_smile:

Awesome! Cogratulations. Hey…Ocean Springs, Biloxi, Gulfport…I have spent alot of good time there. Before the casinos. Do take care and thanks for your service to this great nation. :slight_smile:

Awwwwright! Congratulations Dave!

Thank you and take care.

'Grats, Dave! Keep it up!

Sweetie, you always make me proud of you. That is wonderful!

And you’re not going into Nawlins without me!

[sub]See you this weekend![/sub]

I love you,


Attaway, flyboy. Your hard work will pay off large. We’re all proud of ya.

I’m looking forward to seeing Sergeant Doors, USAF as your handle.

Way to go babe!

Me and Rashad are both rootin for ya…

Hey, congratulations! It’s great to hear that you’re doing so well! :slight_smile:

Hey, I had a green rope once! Of course, I busted curfew and lost it, so don’t get too carried away in 'Nawlins.

Awesome job, Dave.

You know, based on my knowledge of the Air Force (i.e. as much as my rottweiler knows), I gotta ask: is this as hard as it seems (keeping a GPA that high ANYWHERE seems hard)?

Nice rope… I still outrank you. :slight_smile:

Well MrC offered his red one. You want my white rope? I got a buddy with a yellow one and Lodi (He posts here occasionally) has a Beat & Blow rope. That’s just about all of them.

Seriously, if you’re really pushing hard for BTZ, get your supervisor to put you in for quarterly awards and volunteer for everything you can… “Meals on Wheels”, “HFH”, etc…

GL AD. :slight_smile:

Not for long, Simetra, not for long. I fully expect to bust out my training, finish my CDCs, get my five level, and thn tear up my PFE and SKT. In other words, the competitive person in me wants Staff faster than anyone has ever done it before. We’ll see about that, though.

Somehow I have no trouble believing that MrC had a Red Rope. He strikes me as the bossy, pushy, 341 pullin’ bastard that everyone loves to hate, so that makes total sense to me. :wink:

As far as the white rope goes, I try to stay as far from the Fishbowl as possible. Chief Mack works there and he just LOVES busting up NPS airmen like myself.

And I’d rather be on the drill team than get a D&B rope. That’s just not my bag, y’know? But if I bust my ass, I’ll probably be able to get my yellow rope.

Lucretia, I’m not surprised about your little soiree in 'Nawlins, by the way. You’re way too wild for me. :wink:

In other news, I had a very up and down day. I marched my first flight today and did OK, nothing too bad for the first time, I just need to work on my command voice, but that just takes time. The down part was the big whopping 74% that I got on my block test. I just barely passed, so yes, all the tests are tough, FYI. That sounds bad, and it brought my GPA down to a 90% :(, but here’s the part that I didn’t tell you. Four people washed out on that test, 9 got an 85% or lower, and the best student in the class lost 4 points on his GPA. So I was just happy to pass. So much for Top Grad, though. Oh well.
So that’s the skinny for today. Tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow I will be the best airman in the Air Force, as always. :slight_smile: Later, everyone.


Please tell me this has something to do with a drum and budle corps.

Budle? Bugle! And I even previewed.

Congrats, Dave! You are quite a blessed dude right now - recieving this honor, and getting married in a few weeks to boot.

Unfortunately, I am mired on papers and finals right now, so N’awlins and the wedding are out of the question, but please know that I am cheering you on in spirit.

BTW, you struck me as an incredibly smart person (duh - you’re marrying Robin, after all), so I have complete faith in your ability to keep up the GPA and get your next ribbon.

Congrats again! {{Dave}}

Yeah, well y’know what? Should you fuck up, I will invoke my executive priviledge and have a li’l talk with you. :smiley:

Congrats. Now I owe ya two cases.

And yer getting married in a few weeks!!