**You’re reading the internet, minding your own business, when you stumble on a thread where people are fighting. But the wrong side is winning!
You just know they’re wrong. You might even be able to prove it with a few chosen words. . . or not.
What do you do?**
1 - Do you jump in with both feet, letting people know how wrong they are, endlessly trying to outpost (pun intended) the wrong side to convince them of their wrongness?
2 - Do you roll your eyes and walk away, secure in the knowledge that no one wins the internet? Silly internet people.
3 - Do you ball up your fists and start shouting at your pets and loved ones but not join in the fight? Why get involved?
4 - Do you secretly root for the winning side to pick up but not jump in?
5 - Do you research the issue so thoroughly that the thread is over by the time you are done?
6 - Do you go do something productive to get your mind off the wrongness on the internet?
7 - Do you start a thread to point out the wrongness, away from the developing pile on?
8 - Do you go to another forum and post about the tards at the other board?
9 - Do you tell anyone who will listen, including random strangers, how stupid people are on the internet?
10 - Do you shrug your shoulders and move on? Life is too short.
These options will be in the included poll. Pick only one, the closest choice. Or post your custom choice.
Of course it depends on who is in the fight, whether the cat pooped the carpet, the alignment of the moon, the mood you’re in and the way the wind is blowing.
But this is a scientific poll, so choose carefully. It’s a public poll. People will be watching.