Your 3 Favorite Topics in Cafe Society

It’s been over a year since the same basic question was asked in one of my first efforts at polls. Details here … Link
What topic is your favorite at Cafe Society?
03-21-2010, 07:27 AM
03-25-2010 03:51 PM
by Hades
23 2,633
Cafe Society
… if you’re curious.

That old poll was for one choice. This one gives you more latitude with three (honor system, of course).

Last time, 101 Voters gave opinions. Can we do better now?

(poll on the way)

I chose ‘other stuff’ for sci-fi/fantasy related threads which can range from books, to TV to movies, to pure conjecture, i.e. the exploding planet thread.

I would rank my choices as 1) Food and cuisine topics; 2) Movies - including threads about various actors, and other related professionals and 3) Sci-fi.

I voted for comics, poetry and music. Poetry threads are pretty rare but are also very fun when they appear. In music I enjoy jazz and classical music threads, though they’re the rarer kinds.

My favorite threads are on Doctor Who, which I guess should mainly be considered television, but that is specific enough I didn’t think I’d have to vote for TV.

TV shows, Food and Comics. But that meant I had to exclude Sci-Fi (Fuck you, Sy-Fy!), Movies, Pratchett, Music and so much other that I retract my votes. I hereby boycott this poll for making me choose.

TV Shows, Food and Other (because I like threads about peoples hobbies like knitting and other crafts).

Okay, CS Fans, as of Post #5 in this thread and including the other thread linked to in the OP, here are the specific “Other” topics that have been mentioned.

Add anything you really like (or wish we had) in the Cafe Society domain to this list and if we get more than one mention for the same topic, I’ll build us a poll (or more) after this one has run its course.

After all, the forum can accommodate way more discussion on way more topics.

And even if you didn’t vote OTHER, your input is welcomed!


#4 03-21-2010, 02:30 PM
Le Ministre de l’au-delà

Visual Arts

#5 03-21-2010, 02:45 PM
MPB in Salt Lake

beer, wine and booze

#7 03-21-2010, 02:52 PM

favourite female singer

#8 03-21-2010, 04:46 PM
Tapioca Dextrin


#9 03-21-2010, 05:10 PM

something obscure

#12 03-22-2010, 03:28 PM

Threads like this one…

#13 03-22-2010, 03:40 PM

Lord of the Rings

#15 03-22-2010, 04:12 PM

Star Wars


#2 Today, 02:31 PM
Agnostic Pagan

sci-fi/fantasy related threads

#3 Today, 02:43 PM

Doctor Who

#4 Today, 02:49 PM


#5 Today, 03:41 PM

peoples hobbies
other crafts