I live in an old flatblock constructed mostly of wood, top floor, with an interior staircase up from the street. The guy who lives next to me, in a flat what mirrors mine, installed subwoofers. Every night at 6 pm, he cranked up his stereo – stuff was literally falling off my walls; the 20 foot high wall we shared appeared to be visibly expanding and contracting with the bassnotes.
I asked the landlady if she would have a chat with him, three times. Nothing would happen. Finally after she did nothing for the 3rd time, and the pounding started again, I couldn’t stand it anymore.
I went to his door, and had to pound on it for about 10 minutes serious blows. The neighbour underneath him came outside, and said, ‘You know, if he can’t hear that over his stereo, it’s a wee bit too loud’.
When the guy finally heard me, and came to the door, I was very polite, and I asked him, to please put his stereo back on at the volume he had it, and come next door. He was literally shocked at what his subwoofers sounded like in my flat – he’d had no idea. Apparently he’d moved to this flat from a detached house, so didn’t even think about the shared walls, &c.
We went back to his flat, shut the subwoofers off but kept his stereo at the volume it had been (not really cranked, but a good volume), and went back to my flat. Couldn’t hear a thing. Then we tested my sound system and instruments to see where I was pushing it, since he works nights and sleeps during the day.
Even when he had the subwoofers set less than .5 on his stereo, and they sounded fine in his flat, they were vibrating my flat (and nerves) to pieces. It’s amazing just how much bass does vibrate even at a low volume like that.
Anyway, he didn’t mind disconnecting them (the bass on his sound system is quite good, but doesn’t come through the walls and floors like the subwoofers do), and I haven’t heard anything from his stereo since.