Your compaint is stupid you fucking whinny, anti-business Commie pussy! Die!

I grew up in a middle/upper middle class city in S.E. Wisconsin. It has a large industrial base. My Mother still lives there, Pop is still dead & burried there.
Anyway, this dumb fuck came to my ma’s door with a petition. He wants to outlaw trucks from driving down a main road in the town. Why? His fuckhead answer was “Trucks are dangerous, don’t you love your children, blah, blah, blah,” He did not mention noise or traffic congestion, so I assume those are not part of his arguement.

Here are some facts:

*This street is a large, wide, “main drag” street, not a small narrow little road. Though it has a low speed limit, it was in fact built for heavy traffic

*ALL of the factories that use that road were there looooooooong before any of the houses were there. That main road was specifically built because of those factories (I looked this up, by the way)

*There has never, ever, been a truck v.s. human accident ANYWHERE on that road! Never. Never!

*There has NEVER, EVER been a serious truck v.s. passenger car accident on that road.

*The speed limit is only 25 on the entire stretch of road, and is strictly enforced.

*There is no congestion on that street because of trucks, and no noise problems on that street because of trucks. (according to the local police. I called and asked).

*If the 10 factories that use that street are banned from using it, the alternate route is over 10 miles longer, one way. When you’re talking lower city speeds, that’s a round trip of almost an hour longer.

This knob is not a long term resident I figure he moved in, then decided he didn’t like the fact that he was living in an industrial area and started his pussy wimp whine campaign!
It’s regulations like this that push companies over the edge and get them to move away elsewhere. Either to a less regulated state, or worse, Mexico. And it all starts with shit heads like this, and morons who sign his petition!

If he get’s his way, and companies start leaving, I hope one of the companies that leave is whatever one he works for. I hope he loses his job and has to watch his kids go hungry!(Cruel, yeah, but hey, it’s The Pit!).

By the way, I grew up on that street, and lived on it for 20 years!
My mother still lives on it, and I visit her once a week! There is no reason what so ever to ban trucks on it! This guy is a fucking Commie or something! I hate anti business assholes like this!

<<This knob is not a long term resident I figure he moved in, then decided he didn’t like the fact that he was living in an industrial area and started his pussy wimp whine campaign! >>

Maybe you’re giving him too much credit. Maybe he’s one of those “do-gooders,” who are really interested in their own feelings. They feel good when they imagine they’re making the world better. Since it’s really about* them*, they don’t bother to check that much whether their proposed action will actually do more good than harm in the long run.

Damn. That’s gotta be some kind of record.

Yeah, I kind of twitched when I read the NEVER, EVER, ANYWHERE part. Nevertheless, I can sympathize with the gist of the OP.

Ya might wanna take that point out of your argument. Eight out of ten accidents happen at speeds of less than 40 mph and people have been killed in crashes where the speed was as low as 12mph.
(Just playing devil’s advocate.)

I love the thread title, it made me chuckle.
Like the others, I’m skeptical about the, “NEVER EVER” language, but I also agree with the OP. People like the petitioner are idiots who cannot understand the basic cause and effect of our economy. The harder they make it for XYZ company to do business, the more they undermine the fundimental economy of the region.
What’s at risk?
Why only the jobs and prosperity of everyone you want to sign your dumbass petition you dipshit.

This goes down the same road (pun wholeheartedly intended) as the people who move in next to the airport and then start working to get airplane takeoffs banned and departure routes changed.

Um, the AIRPORT was sitting right there when you bought your house, did you not notice it you stupid fuckstick?

Here in my city, I work in the TV broadcasting business. To broadcast TV, you need really tall towers to hold up the antennas. These towers are located on a high hill so that they can reach lots of people (get it - BROADcasting…?)

So what happens? The towers that were built in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s are now surrounded by million dollar condos and townhouses.

What do you think the owners of those million dollar residences want to do? Yup, take the towers down beacuse they “diminish our property values”!

So, once again, when you bought your fancy ass house, you didn’t notice the 1100 foot brightly painted red and white structure with big red lights on it 500 feet from your house?

Did you not look up you silly, stupid, SUV driving, latte sipping fuckstick??

(I finally found a way to work “fuckstick” into a post twice - um, three times…)


He is with the PC Police, be careful, be very very careful.:wink:

So how long should someone be required to live in a neighborhood before he is granted freedom of expression? And the right to vote?

The guy circulates a petition. You are free not to sign it or not. If everybody feels like you, then the petition goes nowhere. If most people feel like him maybe something will change. Just because you have lived in a house since the Punic wars does not give you the right to rule the neighborhood. You sound more commie than him if you do not think he is entitled to his views and to circulate a petition. Have you tried talking to him? Or would you just send him to a re-education camp? (today I am feeling like contradicting)

I hate those damn people. He should try living in my neighborhood. Not only do I have trucks on EVERY street surrounding my house, we also have railroad tracks about, (estimate) 150 feet from our house. Yes, they are THAT close. Not to mention the other three or four tracks that are a few more hundred feet away. I live less than a mile from a very large steel company. And we knew that when we moved in. And we accept it. And around here, kids have gotten hit by trucks, on at least one occasion that I know of in recent years, and they have gotten hurt on train tracks. But no one complains.

I suggest you give this guy a good ol’ midwest, bluecollar lecture on how industry is what is keeping food in his kids mouths.

Just to clear up some things, we talked to the local police, and was told they know of no incident of a truck hitting a pedestrian, child or adult on the street. Also, while there certainly have been motor vehicle accidents, none of them were serious “Truck V Car” accidents.
This stretch of road is less than 1.5 miles, with only 1 intersection, a 4 way stop. There are not a bunch of trucks running through the entire neighborhood, just this one street.

I probably should have emphasized this guys whinning.** “Sir, sir! My little girl plays in our front yard. What if she runs in the street and gets struck by one of those hideous rigs! Would you say I was wrong then?”**

I guess you just had to be there to hear this guy to appreciate my rant against him. I was really tired that day, and didn’t feel too much like argueing with him. But man, you should have heard my brother! He even went so far as to ask this guy if he’d eaten alot of paint chips as a kid, as his intellect was seriously defunct.:stuck_out_tongue: That really pissed the wuss off, and he stormed away.:slight_smile:

What frosts me about such people who complain about how some pre-existing land condition diminishes their property values, is how many of them acquired the property at a discount in the first place. That is, they obtained the house at a cheaper price then they would’ve paid for it otherwise, precisely because it was in a zoned industrial district, or on a truck route, or next to the ugly transmitter towers or whathaveyou.

That statistic is completely and totally useless and without merit unless you answer the question, what percentage of all driving is at less than 40 mph? If, for example, 98% of driving is at less than 40 mph, it makes his point very valid indeed.

Don’t even get me started on the moronic “most accidents happen within five miles of home.”


Ah, the “for the children” spiel. Everything must be done “fooooor the cheeeelllldreeeen.”

My stepmom’s brother owns a dump. It employs many people, who pick through the garbage, pull out the recyclables, he charges trucks for dumping excess concrete, which he grinds up and resells for gardens, etc. Basically, it’s quite the moneymaker.

Guess who’s complaining. The mobile home park that was put in years after the dump was established. The dump is a menace, a health hazard, blah blah blah.

Hello people…you were the ones who bought into the park, which came after the dump. You have no one to blame but yourselves. And like it or not, dumps have to be somewhere.

while the rest of your arguement makes perfect sense

This is right out of the McCarthyist book of tactics.

We recently had a similiar situation in my city. A neighborhood was complaining about the nearby GM plant. The plant was there LONG before most, if not all of these people were there. You got your house cheap for a reason, you morons. Your living in the largest auto making city in the world. Either deal with it, or sell it to someone who will.


I am from Wisconsin you know. Alot of us here think Joe was a swell fella! Only a Commie would disagree!:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p

Wait, that’s moronic? Don’t tell me I’ve been wasting my time all these years by parking five miles away from my house and walking the rest of the way! I thought I was saving my life!

TwistofFate please check the batteries in your sarcasm detector.


I probably should have posted this two years ago when it happened, but I was too big a pansy to register back then.

Around here we suffer through an annual plague of idealistic young college students working for a “public interest” group.

One fine day, a fresh-faced young commie (sorry Twist) rang my doorbell and asked permission to measure the water level in my well because they were “tracking the rate of subsidence of the water table.”

Nobody had ever measured my well before, and one data point doesn’t constitute “tracking” of any sort. There had been no recent new construction on the aquifer footprint beyond the odd garage or barn on slabs (no excavation). I can also think of about twelve better ways to measure the water table than to crack residential wells.

More to the point, it’s my well. As far as I know it has never been touched since it was drilled, which was when this kid’s parents were likely in grade school. I don’t want him (or anyone else) mucking with it. The rest of the conversation went like this:

Me: No.

Him: Don’t you care about the environment, blah, blah, blah…?

Me: Don’t touch my well.

Him: This is a very important SCIENTIFIC study! You’re probably not qualified to understand blah, blah, blah…

Me: Don’t touch my well. Get off my propert and don’t come back.

I closed the door in his face. That may seem rude to some of you, but you didn’t have to listen to the Junior Crusader.

A couple of minutes later I just happened to look out the window, and the kid is screwing around with my well cap. I grabbed the cordless phone, called the police, and marched out to confront the stupid kid.

Me: I thought I told you not to touch my well.

Him: I’m going to do it anyway.

Repeat, ad infinitum while I have the phone line open to the police.

I have to give the cops in my town credit. They arrived really quickly. The kid had managed to get a screw out of the lid, and thus was charged with vandalism or something as well as trespassing. It probably didn’t help that he gave the cop the same kind of wiseass he gave me. I don’t remember much of that part clearly. I was seething.

Don’t get me started on the Jehovah’s Witnesses.