I grew up in a middle/upper middle class city in S.E. Wisconsin. It has a large industrial base. My Mother still lives there, Pop is still dead & burried there.
Anyway, this dumb fuck came to my ma’s door with a petition. He wants to outlaw trucks from driving down a main road in the town. Why? His fuckhead answer was “Trucks are dangerous, don’t you love your children, blah, blah, blah,” He did not mention noise or traffic congestion, so I assume those are not part of his arguement.
Here are some facts:
*This street is a large, wide, “main drag” street, not a small narrow little road. Though it has a low speed limit, it was in fact built for heavy traffic
*ALL of the factories that use that road were there looooooooong before any of the houses were there. That main road was specifically built because of those factories (I looked this up, by the way)
*There has never, ever, been a truck v.s. human accident ANYWHERE on that road! Never. Never!
*There has NEVER, EVER been a serious truck v.s. passenger car accident on that road.
*The speed limit is only 25 on the entire stretch of road, and is strictly enforced.
*There is no congestion on that street because of trucks, and no noise problems on that street because of trucks. (according to the local police. I called and asked).
*If the 10 factories that use that street are banned from using it, the alternate route is over 10 miles longer, one way. When you’re talking lower city speeds, that’s a round trip of almost an hour longer.
This knob is not a long term resident I figure he moved in, then decided he didn’t like the fact that he was living in an industrial area and started his pussy wimp whine campaign!
It’s regulations like this that push companies over the edge and get them to move away elsewhere. Either to a less regulated state, or worse, Mexico. And it all starts with shit heads like this, and morons who sign his petition!
If he get’s his way, and companies start leaving, I hope one of the companies that leave is whatever one he works for. I hope he loses his job and has to watch his kids go hungry!(Cruel, yeah, but hey, it’s The Pit!).
By the way, I grew up on that street, and lived on it for 20 years!
My mother still lives on it, and I visit her once a week! There is no reason what so ever to ban trucks on it! This guy is a fucking Commie or something! I hate anti business assholes like this!