Your company is in business for one reason, yet you failed to deliver

Literally failed to deliver…one of the packages.

I was supposed to get three packages today. You have a really good website that updates with each ‘touch’ of a package so I can see that one arrived at the distribution center at 5:28am this morning while the others arrived at 5:36. The earlier arriving package then left at 6:06am while the two that arrived a measly 8 minutes later didn’t make it out of there until 7:10am.

The packages that went ‘out for delivery’ at 7:10am (the latter two of the three) were delivered at 2:15pm.

The first one? Well, at 7:26pm you said it was right back where it started & you’d try again tomorrow, which will be after I leave for a long, holiday weekend tomorrow morning.

WTF, it can’t be efficient making multiple deliveries to one location but that’s exactly what you tried to do early this morning…& failed. This was after I spent over an hour on the phone with T-Mobile to beg, borrow, & cajole them to rush delivery of my second replacement phone (since the first replacement was broken - but that’s a separate rant that I’m not going to bother with now).

At least this time you didn’t route it from your distribution center that’s 9 miles from my house to the one that’s 25+ miles away for them to make the ‘local’ delivery the way you usually do. (Guess where i need to go if it’s something that needs to be signed for? :smack:).

No wonder you chose brown for a color, it better hides the shit that your company is!

Look on the bright side: you’re not going to be interrupted on your long, holiday weekend by someone calling up about an “emergency”…

So, let me guess: the company has the same initials as in Useless Pieces of Shit? :smiley:

They ARE in business for only one reason: to make money for the stockholders.


Of course, if they piss off too many customers, they won’t make money for the stockholders.

I had a package delivered yesterday and on the tracking I had the following message:

Your package was delivered. It was handed directly to a resident.

Since the only residents besides me are my two cats, I want to state that I think it was irresponsible of them to leave the package with an underaged cat (although in cat years, they’re actually senior citizens). Anyway, I did not give the cats authority to accept packages addressed to me.

The cats gave themselves authority. They can be sneaky that way…

this is about USPS but still crappy service

I was expecting a very important letter last week (CBP broker exam results). I realized last week that I had not gotten any mail but 2 catalogs on Monday. This is unusual, I normally get a lot of junk mail and bills etc. Last week nothing but two catalogs all week. I have lived at my address for 15 years and often have issues with my postal carrier (won’t pick up outgoing mail, fold up my mail so it jams in the box other people mail folded in with mine, etc) but apparently some one at the post office decided that the Road suffix was incorrect and refused my mail. I got a call from the CBP saying my very important letter was refused as undeliverable. There is only one street in my town with that name on it and it is a pretty well known street.

Fortunately, most of my bills are autopay and I can pay the other two without a bill.

(I was able to get my results by phone after much calling and I passed. Yay!)

It’s not like making a FEDeral case about it will give you a better EXperience, all these companies half ass it these days, if you’re lucky.

Why are you people too shy to name the companies? Are you afraid that, like Beetlejuice, you’ll cause a deliveryman from that company to appear?

Well, I’m not superstitious. UPS, UPS, UPS. Fedex, Fedex, Fedex.

There I said it. No deliverymen appeared in my home.

Delivery people not appearing at people’s homes is the problem.

I signed for that package, after showing them your driver’s license. I’m one of your cats. You should close down your computer if you don’t want me posting here.

On the Internet, no one knows you’re a cat.

Boris-is that you? Bad kitty!

Anyway, that package was supposed to be a product that was the 17.5 oz size and they sent me the 10 oz size. Amazon refunded my money but I left them a significantly less than 5 star review!

How very true. Remember, though, the recipient of a package is (generally) not the customer, the shipper is. And, all these companies (USP, FedEx, USPS) bend over backwards to court the shipper’s business; making things easy and expedient for the recipient is good PR, but not a priority. The recipient is just a liability of accepting the shipper’s business.

In most cases, the recipient has no choice on which shipper is used (and, if they did, I’d suspect they would choose the cheaper option the vast majority of the time).

I’d pay a couple dollars extra for USPS, but that is because they put it in my mail kiosk rather than at their warehouse or on my front doorstep, and I don’t think the private companies are allowed to put it in the USPS mail kiosk (except those companies that use USPS for the last mile delivery of course.) So that shouldn’t reflect badly on the non-USPS companies. If I had to choose non-USPS, you’re probably right that I would pick the cheapest option, (however, possibly factoring in mileage to their pickup place in case they don’t leave it on my doorstep.)

Well said well said … UPS is currently trading at $103.21 per share …

Still better than FedEx.