Your current favorite Youtube clip.

I haven’t seen a thread on this subject for a while…like almost a whole week, but anyway, I just saw this video and thought it was just too funny not to share around. the Pelosi.

What’s your current fav?

This is very very funny if you play it over and over and over again, like 20.

Was that from The Exorcist?

Amityville Horror.

This is the funniest and most adorable thing I’ve seen in a while.

Not a video as such, but Telemarketer prank. A Telemarketer calls and somebody named Tom Mabe (I guess he’s a radio personality) pretends to be a police officer investigating a murder, and proceeds to grill the telemarketer on his relationship with the murder victim.

Honest to God I’m not trying to start a flamewar here, I honestly think this is a great video.

Just out of curiousity, why? Purely a patriotic thing?

Ninja Cat

Der Wilde Wilde Westen

Chicken Police

The Boxer on the trampoline still makes me smile every time, right to the play bow at the end.

These 2 guys get as much comic drama as anyone could out of a song called Fuck Shit Piss.

I think this video is a hilarious song, but your results may vary.

An oldie but a goodie.

Even my sister, who does not like cats, loves this one.

“Talking Cats: Translation”

I’ve obviously been sleeping too little, as I have one of these right now, as of one hour ago:

Socialism Rocks!


Yacht Rock

One of the best short web series I’ve ever seen. Totally absurd and genius-level funny, and make sure you watch them in order.

Damn you Steve Perry! :slight_smile:

Sorry about this but honestly. Honestly. I have a terribly hard time believing that Irish people would be applauding US troops. Or the explanation given: “Most of the people in the airport were from other countries, not the US”. Really? Shannon is the Irish gateway to… the US, and it’s the departure lounge. What nationality are approximately half of these people most likely to be? (Not dissing the video, or what happened, just what it claims.)

The New and Improved Superman, you’ve read my mind, I was just about to do one of these. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!

Full Metal Skeletor
Gyro hanglider tow
Cheney in 1994
Ski-gliding the Eiger
Hitler sings “The Jefferson’s” theme - extra funny because the ‘east side’ is Poland
Tom Waits rocks out

Dr. Robotnik’s Penis Song. This get’s stuck in my head all the time.