Your First Porn

When were you first exposed to the wonderful world of pornography?

In the fourth grade, a boy brought a Playboy to school. I can still remember a group of us huddled in a darkened doorway gaping amazed at what we saw.

At about the same time I was a cub scout. We regularly had paper drives, and every once in a while some joker would slip his old Playboys into the papers he donated. Man, was that the hit of the day!

Then I discovered the glories of the barbershop. I thought I was so clever, I would go in with a newspaper, start reading it, then casually open a Playboy or Penthouse on top of the paper, casually fold up the paper when it was my time, and casually stroll out with the magazine in the paper. I thought I was so slick, and I’m sure the barbers and the old guys were yucking it up over me.

I can’t remember my first movie, tho I faintly recall an occasional pair of breasts on Masterpiece Theater on Sunday nights. Hot damn that Chekov!

And as far as “literature” is concerned, I seem to recall that the book “Jaws” had one (pretty darn mild) sex scene in it which I read over, and over. I remember my older got in trouble for having a copy of “The Happy Hooker”, but I had no idea what it was about.

It amuses me that I still recall these things 30 or so years later.

How bout you?

my older “sister” got in trouble for reading Xaviera’s magnum opus.

I was about 9 years old the first time I saw a Playgirl centerfold. I was with my brownie troop getting ready to go on a campout and we stopped at a local grocery store to get some stuff. Some of us went to look at magazines (probably looking for the latest Tiger Beat :rolleyes: ) and we saw the Playgirl on the top shelf of the rack. I got it down and we looked through it and then we opened up the centerfold and left it sitting on the bottom of the rack for everyone to see.

I think I was about 12 years old, and my friend found some Playboys in her Dad’s dresser drawer. Also, around that time, the book Forever, by Judy Blume was pretty popular.

I don’t remember the first porn movie I ever saw, I think it must not have been till college, actually.

Hell, I was 6. Don’t go there, too long a story.

I first discovered one of my father’s Playboys when I was about 8 or 9. I have no idea who the centerfold was. My greatest find, though was a long-forgotten Penthouse from the late 70’s, when the Letters section took up half the magazine. That sure gave me a lot of new fantasy material!

My first porn movie was probably one of Cinemax’s late night softcore films. I fell in love with Laura Gemser when I was 14.


i forget my first one but my favorite had to have been “yank my doodle it’s a dandy”

I saw my first Playboy when I was about 7. I was visiting my friend Justin’s house, and he had apparently found his father’s stash.

Oddly enough, he liked to read his father’s Playboys because they featured very expensive car ads. Sure, he was really into cars when he was a kid.

It came as no surprise to me ten years later that he was gay.


I just realized, those accidently discovered Playboys during the paper drives were undoubtedly intentional plants by the leadership, to ferret out any homos who might taint our pack.

Yes, glorious scouting, where I discovered the wonders of drinking and drugs.

Dad had a couple old Playboys lurking in the cellar and two or three old Super 8 films. We didn’t have a projector for it but I did have a magnifying glass. That and the insert ads made for endless afternoons… ahem

First actual movie I saw was a videotape of ‘Taboo’ with Kay Parker - the original movie, not one of the numerous sequels thereof.

I was reading books way ahead of my tender years, so I’m not sure when I first got exposed to sex in literature, but I can definitely remember my first full-blown porn experience:

I think it was during summer vacation, I was about 12 or 13. My brothers were hogging the TV downstairs so I went up to watch it in my parents’ room. Lo and behold, they’d left a porno in the VCR. I don’t remember the name of it, just remember that the plot involved a fashion photographer and some kind of special cologne that turned every scene into a big orgy. Thinking about it now, I can summon up the visuals pretty well. I watched the whole thing.

Shortly after that, my parents had rented a bunch of (non-porno) movies - they usually rented a PG one for us and an R for themselves after we went to bed. They were taking off to go to a wedding or something and told me I could watch the movies. So I watched Wild Orchid (I think that’s the title - on of those Mickey Rourke vehicles).

If you knew my uptight Catholic mother, these stories would be 1,000 times funnier, believe you me.

Oh, and my freshman year at College, these two guys in my dorm watched porno in the lounge 24-7. Love those Catholic universities!

Dad was not a big Playboy reader (least as I could tell) …but WAS a big chess fan. Playboy had a story/interview with Bobby Fisher back in the 70s…waa-lah

My good friend who lived two houses away found his father’s stash of Penthouses when we were in 3rd grade. They were in the large middle drawer of his dresser, underneath the sweaters. In his mom’s dresser, he found a black tubelike object about 8" long, wider at the base and tapered at the tip. We couldn’t figure out what that was.

The first honest-to-goodness porno video I ever watched was just a few months ago. It was the timeless Debbie Does Dallas.

(Shouldn’t this be in IMHO?)

My sister discovered my Dad’s Playboy stash when I was around 4 or 5. I was more or less confused by them at that age. My friend Andrea and I ready the Happy Hooker and her second one when I was in grade seven or eight as well as “The Sensuous Woman” and “The Sensuous Man”. Also I began reading trashy romances around about grade seven.

The parents I used to babysit for when I was a kid left their copy of the Joy of Sex out in the open. heh heh heh

Oh, I remember my first experience well. I got my mitts on my first porno mag likely thanks to the good local construction workers. I live in a very old subdivision (well it was before the “big wind”), when I was about 8-9 years old they had begun expanding the subdivision, this created a rather large open space filled with pits and mounds of dirt. The worlds greatest free BMX bike park to a kid. As you can imagine all the local kids spent every afternoon riding bikes in this area for about 2 years. In one of the rockier and less traveled lots one kid found a magazine in some weeds, it wasn’t waterlogged, but it was pretty ripped up so I’m guessing it had just been tossed recently by some workers on break. It wasn’t your standard Penthouse or Playboy, but definately one of the seedier and kinkier mags you’d find in a specialty store. It had no cover anymore, and I recall spending several hours trying to read and understand the stories on the tattered pages. After the group of kids had gotten their fill (well actually it just got dark out) no one was willing to take it home so we agreed to keep it hidden under a rock there. That lasted about a week until one of those greedy bastards took it home. Good memories.

My first good stash i could enjoy privately was one of those really kinky Adult Video Catalogs that I stole from my uncle. I was probably about 10. He was a bit of an ex-biker porn fiend so he had alot of these things I came to learn. My cousin, who was a couple years younger, showed me the catalog (it hadn’t been hidden with much effort) and I persuaded him to let me take it home since he didn’t really have any plans for it besides showing off to his friends. I was old enough to know the true value and could treat it with the respect a good porn deserves at that age. I still have that catalog.

It wasn’t much longer before my parents invested in premium cable and the late night HBO/Skinemax/Showtime programming that came along with it. There was a bad movie called H.O.T.S. about some girls living in a house on campus and the hijinxs which followed. Probably some poor-man’s sexy Animal House vehicle. This was probably my first Spanktravision experience, and its grown into a beautiful relationship I still enjoy.

I can’t remember the first porn I saw. They were around my grandpa’s house literally since memory; I was born in 1970 and quite a few of them were from the 60s. My cousins and I read them initially for the cartoons…which may explain part of the reason I’m so twisted, since that would mean humor was my introduction to sexuality.

My mom had back issues of “National Lampoon”…from when they still did porn parodies and Foto Funnies. She also left “Everything you always wanted to know about sex…” out, and told me if I ever had any questions I should ask her, which is why my nine-year-old self piped up in the middle of Denny’s on a Sunday and said, “Mama, what’s a ‘menage a trois?’” She answered me as completely as was seemly (“well, honey, when three people care about each other very much…”), but I still remember the weird looks we got from the older folk who tend to frequent Denny’s on a Sunday morning.

I found my dad’s porn videos when I was 14, and had watched them enough to find porn almost blase by the time I was 15. Unfortunately, the upshot of all these experiences is that most pornographic movies/videos make me laugh my ass off.

What a beautiful story, Omni.


I was about 11 years old IIRC:
I was rummaging around in my dad’s office looking for something, and lo and behold in the rear of a double-file cabinet were about 100 XXX porno mags. My life has never been the same since…


My older brother let me at his Playboy stash while I was visiting his apartment. (also his beer) I was about 10 at the time.

Girls of the Pac 10 I believe.

There was a blonde from the U of Oregon in her cheerleading outfit. She had pulled up her sweater to show her breasts and her skirt was up and the yellow panties were very tight about her crotch.

(this was 25 years ago I havn’t seen the photo since then)
