Your new pit moderator

Wow, what a suck up!


Giraffe is twee. Just so you all know.

Pit, Pit, Hooray!

Just remember, Giraffe – there’ll be those why try to get you down, but just suck it up and you’ll be the one smiling after all.

Congrats, Giraffe. So, are you the one and only now, or is the Pit still a shared pain in the ass?

When you inevitably go mad with power, remember that I was one of the loyal ones.

Takes one to know one!

Well to ‘know one’ in the Biblical sense anyway.

If we get out of line will he give us a tongue lashing?

Oooh, here’s hoping.
Wait, just how does one get out of line in the pit anyway?

Heh, ran out of luch meat - eating one right now.

Congrats G!!

Shouldn’t this be a sticky? For a week or so?
If you’re in my neck (heh!) of the woods, I’llbuy you a Giraf Beer. Welcome.


So, Giraffe and Skip “know” each other? They’re twee together? The things one learns in the Pit!

So Giraffe’s the new Nazi?


So…has anybody got a line going on who Giraffe will slap down first? :smiley:

More than three? Or are you one of them self-hating mods?

I think in some ways the Pit might be one of the easier forums to moderate. There are fewer rules of restraint to enforce. Behavior is–how shall I say it?–more freeform.

First Skippy, now TongueBoy. The inmates are taking over!

Congrats, 'Raffe. Here’s a list of our demands. ::hands over list of demands::

small bills, unmarked, random ser #s, and NO MONOPOLY MONEY this time!

Damnit Shodan, you’d got my hopes up that Brutus was posting again. :frowning:

Giraffe, huh?

Is that a zoological reference, a British slang reference, or an astronomical one?
Or are you just messin’ wid us?
Whichever–welcome-enjoy the view from up there.