Your Patron Saint Designation by . . . Swimming Riddles

Bless us, St. Mullinator: Patron Saint of Republicans That SwimmingRiddles Respects!

Bless us, St. Esprix: Patron Saint of Winking Advice Laden Gay Men.

Bless us, St. CanadianSue: Patron Saint of the Canadian Currency that Magically Finds Its Way Into My Wallet And Thus Prevents Me From Buying The Soda Which I So Richly Deserve.

“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!

My iguana's sick.
He's all floppy. Could he have
Reptile dysfunction?
                  -Chef Troy, Haiku Master

Ok, I’m game. I’ve needed to be canonized for some time.

Yes, Please! I’ve been telling people for years that I should be sainted. Finally - someone has heard my plea! (Falling down on one knee and bowing head - oh wait… that’s for knighthood… oh hell, where’s Miss Manners with her etiquette advice when you need her?)

…and to be sainted on my 100th post anniversary… it would indeed be an honour!

I’ve been claiming to be a saint for a year.

Please, please, please tell me what I’m a saint of!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

I’d like to be made a saint (as if I wasn’t one all ready :slight_smile: )


Desperately trying to pad my post count

Too new to know better…

You are awesome!!!

Give your children these two things: One is roots, the other, wings - Wally Wally He’s our Man

OK, Swimmer, please patronize my sainted self.

Okay, SR, if you have the time…go ahead and make me holy.

Occupation:Wish granting
Location: I’m still stuck in this damn bottle in Cocoa Beach, Fla.
Interests: Getting Major Nelson in trouble, getting Major Nelson out of trouble
Custom profile courtesy of UncleBeer

I never hate myself in the morning. I sleep till noon.
Custom sig line courtesy of Wally

Ok… I’ve resisted taking part in these threads so far… but this one seems pretty good. Whaddayasay SR, can you patron-saint-a-nize me?

–I am Soren Kierkegaard.–
“People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid.”

Ok…make me a saint…like I ain’t one already.

** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Occupation: Temptress
Location: Ultra, California
Interests: surpluses, excesses, abundances, extras, lagniappes
profile by UncleBeer

Bless us, St. SingleDad: Patron Saint of Those Who Haven’t Even BEGUN to See Swimmy Patronize Yet. Also the Patron Saint of Jellybeans.

“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!

My iguana's sick.
He's all floppy. Could he have
Reptile dysfunction?
                  -Chef Troy, Haiku Master

Indeed, if I could be cannonized, I would only want you to be the cannon. Hit me, Riddles!


Bless us, St. M.K.: Patron Saint of initials. Also Patron Saint of Paperclips.

Bless us, St. QuickSilver: Patron Saint of 100 post anniversaries. Conversely, Patron Saint of Thermometers.

Bless us, St. Sealemon: Patron Saint of UserNames That Swimmy Can’t See Without Hearing Harry Belafonte Say Them Out Loud. Also Patron Saint of Shrubberies.

Bless us, St. Chrisbar: Patron Saint of Newbies who have already caught on to the fact that nothing else matters, as long as your post count is high.

Bless us, St. Billdo: Patron Saint of Doperfests, and sexually suggestive usernames.

Bless us, St. Jeannie: Patron Saint of People in Bottles. Also Patron Saint of Dopers Nice Enought to Ask Politely For Sainthood.

Bless us, St. I.M.: Patron Saint of Dopers with Usernames that Swimmy Doesn’t Even Try And Pronounce, Much Less Understand. (if that is really your name, though, you are the Patron Saint of Ice Cream.)

Bless us, St. Ultress: Patron Saint of Haircare Products and Dirty E-mails. :wink:

Bless us, Mr. Cynical: Patron Saint of Cannons. (I had to throw that one in there, somewhere, right?)

“I go on guilt trips a couple of time a year. Mom books them for me.” A custom made Wally .sig!

My iguana's sick.
He's all floppy. Could he have
Reptile dysfunction?
                  -Chef Troy, Haiku Master

What’s St. Milo?

Give me immortality, or give me death!


Thanks Swimmy!


Too new to know better…

St. Chrisbar: Patron Saint of Newbies who have already caught on to the fact that nothing else matters, as long as your post count is high.
Courtesy of SwimmingRiddles

Me me me! What can I be patron saint of?

Can I be a saint too? Please?

I want recogniton! I want recognition!

I’m not Catholic, and I haven’t performed any miracles, but I’m game…

And just what is YOUR designation, Mrs. Riddles?