The people who make up the Christian Right, as we all well know, are constitutionally incapable of adopting a “live and let live” attitude, and are obsesssively concerned with monitoring and controlling the sexual behavior of everyone else. They are freakishly determined to stamp out homosexuality, sex outside marriage, pornography, etc. Their fervent quest to force “Abstinance Only” education on everybody’s children, no matter how many pregnancies and diseases this has been proven to ultimately promote, is infuriating and seems unstoppable.
And we have all said to ourselves, I’m sure: “Why? What in the world drives these people? How can anyone be THAT concerned with the bahavior of other people?” yes, we know the perfectly ridiculous excuses they come up with, like “defending marriage”…excuses that they can’t even logically explain. But that’s all just noise. Of course there here IS a real reason, or the situation wouldn’t exist.
And I believe I know what it is, even if they don’t.
It is the same answer that drives the same people to try and have creationism, oh, sorry “Intelligent Design” (snort) taught alongside or even instead of evolution:
Fear and insecurity.
It’s exactly this simple and this obvious and this sad: If the hard core religious right were to simply turn a blind eye to the behavior and choices of others, to live and let live…well, hell, we might discover that their hysterical assertions about how evil it all is are just that: hysteria. Not a lick of truth to any of it. People can be big fat homos and raise kids and those kids can come out just FAAAAAbulous human beings. People can look at porn all their lives and not only NOT turn into Ted Bundy, they can have many wonderful, loving, positive and productive things happen to them and emanate from them.
And so, if it turned out that their hysteria was wrong, that maybe (their understanding of) the Bible was wrong about homosexuality and other supposedly sinful sexual practices…(and creation)…then maybe…maybe it’s ALL wrong and that means * there is no God. * (Not a logical path I am arguing follows, only that they believe and fear follows, because they are, by definition, from the all-or-nothing school of belief).
And that’s it. It’s just that simple. It’s all about protecting what is inarguably a very fragile belief system to begin with.
Bummer for the rest of us, eh?