Am I naive, or are these gals really good? Only learned of them today; cheesy outfits, but hey–tribute band.
I’ve watched them for a couple of years now. Cheesy maybe, but I like them.
Your second link is for When the Levee Breaks, and their rendition is pretty good. I searched a few times, though, and couldn’t find them doing Stairway. To me that’d have to be included in the ultimate test of how good they are.
Lez Zeppelin did it first.
Or maybe, leaving it out is a test of how good they are.
The drummer is no Bonzo. But then nobody is.
Otherwise, pretty good.
Stairway?! Denied!
MHO, instrumentally fine, the singers voice just doesn’t fit. The bass and guitar were really nice.
(Based on me viewing 2-3 minutes of the first link.)
I think they should have named the band Led Zeppalindas and should tour with the Wailin’ Jennys.