Zombie! vs. Sequential Thread Titles


“Died surrounded by family and friends”
late coworker: what should I have said?

What made it hilarious for me is that the coworker in question was tardy, not deceased. Heh heh


**Your cat has a tumor. Want some toast?

Bad ways to break bad news… **

In MPSIMS (and I am not making a political comment, it would work with any name):

**I Will Be Front and Center at Reagan’s Funeral

Maybe I really AM a sick individual!**

Right now in MPSIMS:

A Reagan Tribute to End All Tributes

I’m pregnant!!!

Bad ways to break bad news…
I’m pregnant!!!

Here in MPSIMS
Ohhhh… Trojans! I get it now.

So, the dog ate the contraceptives


**Strange note on my front porch. What does it mean?

It’s the SDMB cryptic crossword! (Trial edition)**

The nonsensical:

I don’t believe in God but…
I’ve got a bird’s nest in my flower pot!
And the off-putting:

I Will Be Front and Center at Reagan’s Funeral
You want anything?

Hip replacement flip side.
I farted and my dogs barked**


How should I pass the next hour and 45 minutes?
another 15 minutes

Yesterday, in the Pit:

Bush recruits Pope for campaign
Or, why I shouldn’t ride the train.

Someone was arrested right outside my house last night
THAT’S Chelsea Clinton???!!!

I’ve been waiting for this one to come up:

I want to know what you look like- Post your photo!
Aagh! My eye, my eye!


Music Lovers - I need your help!
RIP: My bedside clock radio

Ok, so my nice, peaceful evening didn’t quite turn out as expected.
Anyone want to see a pic of my backside?


Anyone want to see a pic of my backside?
Attention Doper Brats - Official Online Party (plans)

Why we’re moving
I Am An Idiot.

Bees! Bees! Bees!
They have an 'effing coffee bar in the emergency room.

I just like the image of a hospital Starbucks bar operated and patronized by swarms of coffee-addled bees.

Right now in GQ:

**“She Pee” female stand up urinals - Anyone have a pic of what these look like?

Hold’em Flush Scenario**


**THAT’S Chelsea Clinton???!!!

Name your favorite Doper Smartass!

** Microwave Experiments

RIP: My Bedside Clock Radio**

A MPSIMS Triple!
**Video: 30 wasps kill 30,000 honeybees. Very cool. ( 1 2 )

Why we’re moving

Chemical exposure and severe overreaction**