Which do you prefer: The V-Class or the U-Class? Personally I find the V-Class to be more satisfactory from the standpoint of routine maintenance and controllability. Unlike their undead counterparts they are not prone to decay and are thus much more reliable in warm climates as they do not rapidly fall apart outside of combat. Additionally, not having the stench of death around them, they can be used for tasks requiring an element of discretion and stealth. Furthermore, a well-created V-Class zombie tends to be more loyal to its creator because it retains a healthy fear reflex and can be convinced by its own cunning that the creator has god-like powers to cause excruciating torment should it disobey even the simplest command. The festering U-Class, in contrast, is as unconscious as it is undead and can thus be hijacked by more powerful sorcery: an unacceptable weakness for a premise guardian and menial servant if you ask me!
The only issue I have with the V-Class is their annoying habit of wandering back to their native villages. That, and it’s a well-known fact that your odds are like 50/50 that they zombification process will wear off and you’ll be stuck with a brain-damaged shell that requires constant supervision unless engaged in the simplest of tasks.
The U-Class, on the other hand, have a definite tendancy to stay un-dead, which is certainly an advantage. However, their brain-eating preoccupations typically consume them, and they require close supervision to be reliably exploited for field labor and Etc. Provided your fields are equipped with adequately built & maintained watch towers, and staffed appropriately, I guess you can go that way. Really, though, you’re talking mucho dinero.
So, I guess I lean towards the V-Class. Yeah, they wander off and you’ve got to replace them, but if you take the time to do a detailed cost analysis you’ll certainly see the advantages over the U-Class.
U-Class, all the way. You guys are missing one of the most important features of the U-Class: The infectious bite.
If you start with one U-Class zombie, unless he’s victim to an unfortunate headshot you’ll pretty soon have many, many U-Class zombies. What could be better than self-replicating minions? Admittedly, they don’t tend to be very obedient, but if all you’re looking for is worldwide chaos and destruction they’re the way to go.
Cite? While it’s true that V-zombification is a complex process invovling tailored psychology and carefully prepared and administered toxic compounds, a responsible master can achieve consistently excellent results with little or no wanderers. Slipshod preperation and half-hearted vengence-oriented application are major contributors to severely brain damaged vicitms, but these are hardly zombie servants.
Sengkelat, I agree that ultimately the best choice depends on the intent of the master. I’ve always tended more toward dominant control and diabolical aquisition of power rather than spreading chaos for its own sake. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not my bag, baby. But I’ll grant that a self perpetuating uncontrolled mob of brain-craving undead monsters does have its attractive qualities. Still, once chaos has been successfully spread, you still have to deal with all the damned U-classes, and the rabble of ghouls, revenants, and in extreme cases even vampires that spring forth from the bowels of Hell having been attracted by the intense aura of evil you’ve spawned. And then you’ve got a whole 'nother level of organized nefariasm on your hands. And who needs that?
Anyways, listen: it’s really a function of cost. Do you have the cash kicking around to hire top-notch help? Me either. I mean, if I did, I wouldn’t need zombies, would I?