Ask the Magic Crystal Ball!

I have a Magic Crystal Ball in Yahoo Messenger. It works just like the Magic 8 Ball we all know: ask a yes or no question and it will give you the answer.

So ask away! The Magic Crystal Ball sees all! Knows all! Tells all!

Is existence a predicate?

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Is existence a predicate?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Cannot predict now.”

Will my car be fixed cheaply and quickly?

Will I pass this stupid exam?

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will my car be fixed cheaply and quickly?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “It is certain.”

Oh, very encouraging answer, there!

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will I pass this stupid exam?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Most likely.”

Hmm – keep studying! Keep 'em coming, folks! Step right up, step right up!

Will I get lucky?

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will I get lucky?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Without a doubt.”


Here’s a couple:
Will OUR car be fixed cheaply and harmlessly?
Will I receive fat fellowship for next year? Or B) Will I end up poor and disgruntled in foreign lands?

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will OUR car be fixed cheaply and harmlessly?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Very doubtful.”

Uh-oh! That doesn’t sound good!

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will I receive a fat fellowship for next year?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Better not tell you now.”

Well, that’s cryptic!

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will I end up poor and disgruntled in foreign lands?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Very doubtful.”

Hmm. So either you won’t be poor and disgruntled, or you just plain ain’t goin’ anywhere.

Will I have enough money for school next year?

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will I have enough money for school next year?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Signs point to yes.”

Dear Magic Crystal Ball,

Will the neighbors shut up?

More than slightly perturbed

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will the neighbors shut up?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Outlook good.”

Hey, Magic 8-ball!

Will I be able to make my flight home?

Ooooooo, Magic Crystal Ball, the question is asked: “Will I be able to make my flight home?”

The Magic Crystal Ball responds: “Outlook not so good.”


Will I get the books I wanted for Christmas?

[sub]Please say yes please say yes please say yes…[/sub]

When will you get tired of copying and pasting everyone’s questions?

Well, you know…the yes or no version of that.

Is the Magic Crystal Ball lying right now?