Sexual Arousal During Medical Exams


I am male and I have had several routine STD checks in my life by both male and female examiners sticking their faces in my groin area while fidgeting around with my happy bits. I have never gotten an erection during an exam because I do whatever I can to supress it (e.g., thinking of sports, etc.) because I think the examiner will be offended if I just let it go.

How frequently do men have erections during medical exams? Has this happened to you? What reaction did you get? Would an erection be considered “normal” and viewed nonchalantly or does it make medical professionals uncomfortable?


I have NEVER heard a woman say that she was EVER aroused AT ALL during a medical exam. I can’t imagine that. Have any female Dopers been so aroused or known other women to be so aroused?

Oh gracious no!! Arousal is the LAST thing on my mind when I’m at the gynocologist. If that was what you meant? Or did you mean just a routine medical exam?

… any exam … especially, but not limited to, OB/GYN.

I once got a boner during a calculus final. But that’s probably not the kind of exam you’re asking about.

Never happened to me; everything is stacked against it really; there is realisation that the examiner is just doing a job (and is just as likely to be comparing your bits against [those of the previous patient]/[a text book]/[a medical cadaver] as admiring them, which is to say not very likely at all), plus the situation itself is not exactly romantic, is it?

Determinedly thinking about not becoming aroused might actually be the one thing that would produce an undesirable result, I reckon.

Awe man! This takes me back to when I was a teenager and I had not yet learned “boner control”.

A nurse came into my room to take my blood presure once; The thing about it was though she had really ample breast and when she was holding my arm taking my BP she was holding it up against her breast! (one of them anyway) As if this were not bad enough I was wearing a flimsy pair of shorts so when the boner reached maximum density: it was really obvious!

I was so completely embarrased when it happened becuase I know she saw it! She didn’t say anything though…

The closest I ever came to this was probably during the worst physical exam I ever experienced. The company I worked for had just switched medical insurance. I needed an exam for some reason that escapes me, now. So, I had to pick a new doctor. Not knowing any of the names in the big book they gave me to choose from, I asked the HMO to pick one for me, based on their specialty. Internal medicine, I think it was, as opposed to a gynecologist or surgeon.

So, I’m sitting on the exam table in a paper gown and my socks, waiting and waiting for the doctor to show up. It’s fairly cold in the room. My body’s response to this is to crank up the heat, internally, and retract all retractable bits. Yes, those bits. This also results in my armpits and crotch perspiring while my hands and feet are blocks of ice. Eventually, the door opens and in walks the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in person. This, of course, starts my heart racing, which only increases the heat output to those already overheated areas. It’s even enough heat that the bits that had previously retracted now start to unfurl, again.

Then I realize this is not yet another nurse, come to tell me the doctor will just be a few more minutes. This IS my new doctor, who now needs to probe the glands in my sweaty pits and check whatever it is they check in the groin area, which is now equally swampy. Zzziiiiiiip, everything retracts, again.

So, now my heart is racing, my blood pressure is up, my face is flushed, I’m having the cold sweats, my groin is doing its best to twitch despite being retracted and everything else that was going on (although it never really threatened full erection), and I’m so embarassed I can barely answer her questions to convince her I’m not actually having a mild heart attack. If there were a merciful god, he would have just hit me with a MAJOR heart attack, and taken me, right then. At least she didn’t decide I needed to have my prostate checked. I switched doctors, again, as soon as I got out of there, making sure I got a male doctor, this time.

I’m an RN (female) with 10 years experience in different areas of OB-GYN medicine and have been a party to thousands of female exams. I cannot come up with a single experience that I am aware of where a patient displayed any signs of sexual arousal.

I have however, on several occasions, had men (no women) ask questions similar to yours. I even recall a situation (two, actually) where the boyfriend of a female medical student had problems with the idea that the female would see/do exams on male patients.

I’m not sure what any of this means, it is just my experience.

As an aside, I did have one silly experience that has stuck with me for some time. I was assisting the Doc with a routine annual exam on an attractive young woman. When the Doc did the breast exam, I was just struck by the very large and gravity defying qualities of the patients breasts (big implants). Perhaps it was just my particular view, but it occured to me while I was standing there that the breasts were quite a bit larger and rounder than the doc’s head and for some reason I started to giggle. The Doc and the patient were talking normally during the exam, but I had to leave the room quickly to go have a laugh. It was unusual for the nurse to leave, so the Doc came out to see if I was o.k. and took me back in to finish the exam. I try very hard to be professional, but that still makes me laugh for some reason. Maybe it’s one of those ‘you just had to be there’ moments.

A trainee nurse once told me, however, that it had happened to her and that ‘procedure’ was to sharply whack the offending organ with a tongue depressor, causing almost instant deflation (as you might imagine). I never found out whether there is any truth to what she said.

I don’t get sexually aroused at gynecologist exams but when I’m having regular physicals and the doctor is checking out my heart beat and lung sounds and such I do get very tingly and warm and it’s a very pleasant feeling. I love having things done to me (which is the easiest way to explain a very odd sort of fetish I have). I get sexually aroused (a little bit, not wet or anything) if I’m getting a haircut or a pedicure as well.

I’m female, and no, NEVER, ugh, ain’t never gonna happen. I don’t think it would happen even if my Ob/Gyn were someone like Luka from ER, though I’d probably have all sorts of dirty fantasies about it.

:wink: Only a man could ask this question, because they have no idea how awkward and uncomfortable an OB/GYN exam is. Just thinking the word “speculum” is enough to make me shiver!

You’d have to be pretty kinky to find a pelvic exam sexy. I can think of few activities that I am find less arousing. From what I hear from other women, perception of the experience ranges from “I’ll confess! I’ll confess!” to “Okay, let’s get this over with”, but I’ve never heard of anyone thinking of it as anything better than a necessary unpleasantness. Since the OB/GYN and nurse are naturally trying to make it as un-painful and un-humiliating as they can, I don’t think it would even be fun for someone who was into masochism or submission.

I wouldn’t say I’ve been especially aroused during a pelvic, but maybe a little bit. It’s not something I look forward to, but I don’t really mind it while it’s going on. Pretty much anyone’s hands down there get me kind of excited.

I think everyone’s missing the post where the OP said it’s not limited to OBGYN exams. What about an eye exam? Or a reflexes test? Like I said, I get a little aroused at those things…or when my back is being examined, touched, manipulated. I love that.

Davebear, your story caused me to dribble coffe on my tie. Well done.

Mangetout, the way I have my browser window, the line break in your post caused me to read your first sentence as, “…and that ‘procedure’ was to sharply whack the offending organ with a tongue…”

I about bit my tongue off.

Hell, am I the only one that fluffs?



I just had a digital prostrate exam last week. Didn’t do anything for me. There is a guy I know, however, that apparently can get excited from such an exam. As told to me by his co-workers, he once got an erection and ejaculated from a prostrate exam. I can’t see how there would be enough time for that as my exams are over quickly, but I can’t believe any one would make up a story like that so I assume it did happen. He’s kind of an odd guy anyway as evidenced by his willingness to tell his co-workers about the incident. If that had happened to me there is know way I’d be telling my friends about it.

Note to self: backrubs are the right way to go with jarbabyj. :slight_smile:

Seriously, does this mean that a massage for you crosses the line from sensual to sexual?

Massages nearly send me to orgasm. Seriously. Even if they’re done by a physical therapist.

One day I was sitting around and talking to my grandparents. My grandfather seemed real happy and decided to tell us about his first prostate exam. He is not normally one to talk about sex and talking about sex with one’s grandparents is not the greatest situation to be in. It is kinda like talking about sex with your parents but worse.

My grandfather exclaimed, “When the doctor stuck his finger in to check my prostate I got an instant woody.” It is funnier if you imagine him saying it like a 15 year old valley girl (Lahk oh mah gawd!), however, this would be completely incorrect since at the time of the telling he was in his early 70’s and had a South Texas drawl.

You would think that he would leave well enough alone at this point. I was thinking, please don’t continue ad infinitum. Then he starts saying, “Then the doctor started plodding along my prostate, I couldn’t hold it in any longer and I shot a load of sperm all over the place.”

I can understand that feeling, because anal sex does that to myself and intermittant boyfriends at times. However, I don’t want to hear about my grandfather getting fisted by some random doctor so skillfully that he starts ejaculating all over the table. I am just happy he was only talking about it within the private confines of the family rather than with all my friends. I would have been completely mortified