Men: Your rectal exams: Ever had a lady doctor do it?

And I mean in the actual doctor’s office, not ‘playing doctor’ somewhere else. :stuck_out_tongue:

The discomfort of having the opposite sex do your sexual exams came up in another thread, and now I want to know if straight men have had problems with women doctors doing their prostate exams. Or if gay men prefer them. Or if anyone really gives a shit, since once you’ve got something up your bum in a doctor’s office, you’re not likely there for fun!

I was going to make this a pole thread…err, poll, thread…

Ok lost train of thought.

Men: Your rectal exams: Ever had a lady doctor do it?
And I mean in the actual doctor’s office, not ‘playing doctor’ somewhere else.

Sure. My current Primary Care Physician is a woman, as was her predecessor. About twenty years now. I couldn’t care less about the gender of any medical professional.


Smaller fingers.

I’m just sayin’

I’ve had four female doctors in my life. Physicals are pretty impersonal. Also, if I’m going to allow somebody to handle my nether parts, I’d rather it was a woman that a man. One of the doctors (who was also a friend) held up her finger and told me “if this is the largest thing you ever have stuck up there, consider yourself lucky.”

I’ve had both a rectal exam and a sigmoidoscopy done by a female doctor.
It never occurred to me that gender mattered, only my health.

Moved MPSIMS --> IMHO.

Of course. Why would that matter?

I’ve never had a rectal exam but once I did wish for a male doctor, it was when I had orchitis and my right testicle was swollen up to the size of a small eggplant.

She was unbelievably rough(without warning she squeezed a horribly swollen painful testicle?!?) to the point I was shocked and completely dismissed my pain which was what brought me in as it was unbearable.

Never did figure it out(cultures showed nothing and they speculated it could be viral), turned out I had dengue at the time without knowing it so one doctor said it could have been that.

No, but I don’t think it would bother me. A friend is my doctor and his wife is a Nurse Practitioner in the same office. The last time I was sick, I saw her as she was available (and he wasn’t) she gave me a shot in the butt. That is the closest I have come to being “groped” by a female doctor.

When she stuck her finger up my ass, I was a bit uncomfortable. When she stuck her hand up my ass, I started wondering. When stuck her foot up my ass, I was dumbstruck.

More seriously, neither she nor I enjoy the experience, and it would not make any difference at all as to whether my doctor was male or female.

What these guys just said. My doc is a lady, and we both pretend, in a wonderfully Victorian fashion, that nothing whatever is going on back there.

I had anal surgery, some years ago – surpassing unpleasant! – and was prepped for surgery by a female nurse. Several of the surgical attendants were also women. I’ve had my nasty infected feak on display to an astonishing number of women.

For some reason, I’ve never been comfortable watching that particular variety of porn…

Whatever works for you. In a more modern fashion that requires no pretense, my Doc and I act as if a medical procedure is being performed.


I dunno - my wife always says that a male gynae is more gentle than the female variety - so I wonder if the reverse is true for guys?

I’ve got no real preference for variety of doc, but no fingers have ever been up my butt

Never had a male doctor do one. But for some reason my doctors are almost always women.

I actually prefer a lady doctor to do the unpleasant deed, I guess because only women ever have their hands on my nether regions outside the medical realm. I think I’ve had someone’s fingers up my ass about four times altogether, always by a doctor and only once by a female one.

Yes. I’ve had rectal and genital things performed by female doctors (and nurses). They were always professional and didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all. I’d have no issues doing it again.

You just have to remember how many arses and dicks they’ve seen in their line of work. They’re immune to it now.

I’ve only ever had 3 rectal exams. Two by female docs, 1 by a male doc.

The only time it ever bothered me was my first exam at 15 when I was signing up for the wrestling team and needed a complete physical. The doc was a very beautiful woman with a very nice chest area, and back then darn near anything gave me an erection.

I thought I was going to burst into flame I was blushing so hard. She acted like nothing was wrong though, did the whole turn your head and cough bit, and it was over.

The next time it was no big deal, just a routine exam.

I don’t remember the one done by the male doctor, as I was delirious with pain at the time.

Yeah, and I was more squicked out by having a female nurse in the room as a witness than having the FemDoc do the deed.

I loved that doctor, but she was not photogenic. The jolly factor was less than 0.

Well, considering the furious sweaty half naked man-hugging that would ensue, I suppose being hetro is the easiest way to go. :wink:

Note: I wrestle myself, and I couldn’t care less if my opponent is gay or female or both. The above comment should be taken as humorous take on the homoeroticism many perceive of the sport, and not a snide against wrestling or wrestlers of any gender or disposition.

Dave Barry had an article where he talked about going to a Dr. Edwina Scissorhands for his exam. I can never get that image out of my mind.