Lesbians / dildos

If Lesbians use dildos for penetration pleasure why not just have sex with a man?

All of the possible reasons would make a great T-shirt…

“Top Ten Reasons Dildos Are Better Than Men”

If a heterosexual woman enjoys penetration why not just have sex with a dildo? No pregnancy or STD risk, it nevers comes too soon, doesn’t have back hair, and doesn’t leave his socks on.

What a ridiculous question.

All of the possible reasons would make a great T-shirt…

“Top Ten Reasons Dildos Are Better Than Men”

  1. A dildo won’t tell all its friends that you were the worst lay it’s ever had just to save face.

  2. A dildo won’t get jealous if you use other toys in its absence.

  3. A dildo doesn’t care if you look like shit

  4. A dildo is content to stay at home while you go out and party

  5. A dildo won’t try to get you drunk just to have sex with you

  6. A dildo is always hard

  7. A dildo will never leave you for another woman

  8. A dildo will never leave the seat up

  9. A dildo will never beat the crap out of you (unless you like it)

  10. A dildo will never get sloppy drunk in public and embarass the hell out of you in front of your friends

As a man, I enjoy penetrating … so why should I care about which orifice or what gender or species I am penetrating?


Though now that I come to think of it, I actally don’t…

And there is only one reason that men are better than dildos:

Dildos don’t move furniture

Everything I Know About Man-Bashing I Learned From My Bitter Mother by Polairis

If you like having your vagina orally stimulated why not just have sex with a woman?

Oh yeah? Well, if I were your husband you’d be moving your own damn furniture!

:wink: I’m just messin’ with you, Polairis.

In reply to the OP, I went and asked a colleague who is a) lesbian and b) a good enough friend to answer this.

Her reply was fairly straight forward: She may at times enjoy penetration yes, but it does not follow from that that she wishes this performed by a man. In fact, if such was the case she would be turned off. Simple really

I don’t think it’s the penis that lesbians have a problem with. They like penises just fine, it’s what’s attached to the penis that gives them pause.

I have to say that that is a pretty obviously answered OP.

If Lesbians use dildos for penetration pleasure why not just have sex with a donkey?

The answer is simple and obvious: A lesbian doesn’t want to have sex with a man for the same reason that a straight man doesn’t want to have anal sex with another man (even though he enjoys having anal sex with women). There’s more going on than just the physical sensation.

Okay, maybe Isabelle’s question was worded poorly and begs a little smack-down by everybody, but I’ve always wondered this, myself: If lesbians so dislike men, why in hell do some of them try so hard to look like one, act like one, and take on the mannerisms of one. And the “partner” is attracted to that. So what I get out of that is that many times (I’m trying to be careful here), a lesbian is attracted to 99% of what a man is, with the exception of the actual penis itself. And the reverse is true regarding gay men. In my rudimentary caveman-like thinking, I say, hey, if what you want is a person wearing flannel with a crewcut and a toolbelt, why not just go all the way and actually be attracted to a MAN? I’m not trying to be rude or “not understanding”, it’s just a curiousity to me. Any enlightenment would be appreciated.

>Sigmundex, just waiting for the shelling to begin<

Sigmundex, nearly all the gay men and lesbians I know well are pretty… I don’t know, fairly typical for their gender? I know some makeup-wearing, eyebrow-waxing, hairdresser-visiting lesbians, and combat-boot-wearing, beer-drinking, non-interior-decorating-obsessed gay guys. And I know more who, though they don’t make the effort to conform to the norms of their own gender, don’t make the effort to be like the other gender either.

As for a real answer, from my point of view… some people feel comfortable dressing and acting in a more masculine or feminine way than is typical for their gender, regardless of their orientation. (there ARE straight cross-dressers, you know) However, there’s often social pressure against it. But once someone’s gone and come out of the closet, said publicly that they’re gay… that’s a big thing, and anyone who can accept that is certainly going to be able to accept them DRESSING whatever way they feel comfortable with.

As to why people still want to have sex with them - there’s more to being attracted to women than liking long hair, smooth legs, and makeup. There’s… well… the woman bits. And some women are interested in their partner’s woman bits coming with flannel, a crew cut, and a tool belt, to use your example.

And one point - “If lesbians so dislike men” is a faulty assumption. Most lesbians DON’T dislike men. They just, well, don’t want to have sex with them. Same thing with gay guys.

Hmm, I hope that was coherent.

First off, “lesbian” does not equal “dislikes men.” A lesbian is a woman who is sexually/physically/emotionally attracted to women and not men. Many lesbians think men are just peachy.

Second, there are women who are naturally “masculine” who are not lesbians, and lesbians who are completely “feminine” in appearance and manner.

As for why there are lesbian couples who fall into the apparently “male-female” pattern, well, there have been reams of scholarship on that which would be impossible to do justice to here, so forgive my poor attempt. The whole “butch/femme” thing in America has been around for decades and is tied into sex-role stereotypes. Women who were lesbian but not feminine would often exxagerate their “masculine” traits and were known as butches. Butches did not date other butches. Femmes, lesbians who exhibited more traditionally “feminine” traits, might sometimes date among themselves but were more likely to date butches. When butch-femme couples formed the femme would assume the wife role and the butch would assume the husband role. There were women who didn’t get into the whole butch-femme dichotomy. One of the terms I’ve heard used for them is “kiki.”

With the women’s movement and societal pressure breaking down traditional gender roles, the butch-femme dichotomy has broken down quite a bit. Older lesbians seem to hold to it somewhat, and there are always going to be variations in “masculine” and “feminine” traits among people, but I have no sense at this time that the rigid gender roles of butches and femmes are any kind of dominant social paradigm in lesbian circles.

The work of Lillian Faderman on this and other aspects of lesbian history makes a great starting point for reading about this topic.

I see it as analogous to Vegetarians eating Not-Bacon, and Not-Salami. I suppose Not-Wang is the next step

If straight men like their girlfriends/wives to use strap ons, why not just have sex with a guy?

This is silly.
Sex is about EMOTION.
I’m an adult human male. I won’t choose to engage in carnal knowledge with a person I intensely dislike. I might choose in intercourse with a person I had neutral feelings about.
Based on life experiences, I would posit that women generally would choose to engage in sexual activity with only those persons they have a certain kind of highly positive feelings about.
Properly defined lesbians, as opposed to lesbian-leaning bisexual females, will only have that certain kind of highly positive feeling about a woman.
Disclaimer: I’m engaged now, so now the pool of persons I choose to share carnal knowledge with has shrunken to a size of one.

I hope for her sake that it’s your fiancee.

Honey, you’re buying the wrong dildos. :smiley: