Has the linking changed?

I seem to remember that typing a URL (like http://www.straightdope.com for instance) used to automatically create a link to the cited page. I’ve noticed, however, that there are a lot of URLs coming up as not URLs. Did this get changed, or is something else weird going on?

(Just watch, the link above will be active…)

Eschew Obfuscation

Ok, something else weird is going on…just ignore me…

Eschew Obfuscation

Tengu, the old method works fine and is a lot easier. However, newer method allows you to use a short piece of text instead of a long URL to accomplish the same thing. You can find the instructions here. This is the regular UBB help file.

Basically, you just put in the url as such:
The Straight Dope
and it comes out as such:
The Straight Dope

Hope that helps,

Here is what I understand about it.

You can type in a web address, and it will automatically appear as a link
e.g. http://www.straightdope.com

however, if the address is not preceded and followed by a space, then the link will not show up or be invalid.
e.g. http://www.straightdope.com.

To have a link show up correctly even if it is not immediately preceded and/or followed by whitespace, use the and tags.
will show up correctly as
http://www.straightdope.com .

(http://www.straightdope.com[/url&#93 :wink:
will show up correctly as
( http://www.straightdope.com )

Finally, there is the [Description](web address) option.

The Straight Dope
will show up as
The Straight Dope

Yes, I realise this - and have used that method a few times, but I mean sometimes a URL will be posted and won’t be a URL.

I think that’s it - looking back, all the URLs I noticed as non-active links are bolded. Somehow this theory slpped my mind when I was posting.

Argh…I keep typing ‘URL’ when I mean active link.


Sorry, I misunderstood your question. Arnold, of course, has it right. You can bold a URL and it will still work, but you do have to be careful about spaces.
