Curb Your Enthusiasm: Best Season Finale Of ANY Sitcom!

The season finale was a classic…the plot points from the entire season, leading up to this hour broadcast, were resolved in a hysterical way.

Mel Brooks and crew helped make this a show that I will never forget!
Plus lots of surprise cameos that added to the the humor.

All in all, a fantastic ending to probably the best season so far!

Eh, I didn’t like it. At least, I didn’t like the second half of it. Too much of play.

Is it just me, or do they have a really, really short season? I’m going to have to catch the whole thing in re-runs, because I missed a lot. But I didn’t think it was going to end so soon!

Their “season” is only 10 episodes long. The only reason I know this is because I upgraded to digital cable in December and the On Demand feature split it up by the season.

The real question is when does the next season start? We don’t have to wait until next January, do we? I can’t imagine having to wait 9 months between seasons. Thats a long lag time.

I thought it was a great as well.

Just incase anyone didn’t have a chance to watch it yet…

[spoiler] A very clever way to wrap the Producers’ story line into itself. I kept on saying during the season that I couldn’t undetrstand why Brooks would pick Larry David for any musical role. It made no sense to me and left me with an “Oh well it just a sitcom” attitude. LDs kareoke was not good enough to substaniate it. But after seeing the finale it all makes so much sense. It was hyterical.

Only LD could scew up a sure thing with a felatio teacher and then get turned off by whats her name because she had a picture of Bush in her dressing room. Too funny.

I was kind of disappointed through the first half of the episode but thought that the ending of the episode/season was brilliant. It was a great season too with two classic episodes, the baseball game one and the one with the Hassid woman.


Curb Your Enthuiasm is like picking at a scab, sure it hurts, is gross, and sometimes bloody but I just can’t stop sometimes. Thus, I watched most of this season even though it at times sent me to fits of insanity - I just want to punch Larry David (the portrayal of the character, not for real) in the nose.

That said, last night’s finale was just freakin’ brilliant. I laughed so hard at the final plot twist with Mel Brookes that explained the whole thing. Damn, damn funny stuff.


I was kind of disappointed when it ended though. I mean he still had a hour to go on the anniversary present after the show, and they didn’t show if he tried to cash it in.

But it did have Stephen Colbert. :slight_smile:

and a Sikh. :slight_smile: Sikhs = comedy gold.

My sentiments exactly. There’s usually at least one moment during the show where I end up yelling at the TV, “Shut UP, Larry!”

My husband absolutely adores the show, though, and last night’s episode was really the best one I’ve seen (my second favorite being the episode of when they opened the restaurant).

We often play the ‘name that place’ while watching the show–we live in Los Angeles, where most of the show is filmed, and we like to try to identify where they are when they’re shooting on location.

I agree completely. It was great. And I liked the musical scenes w/ Larry David and thought the Producers parallel was delicious.
JuanitaTech, back to the coal mines…

[sub]I’m frickin’ swamped today![/sub]

I was doing exactly that! Great minds, eh? :wink:

I absolutely hated the second half of last night’s show. Hated. I thought that maybe there were some references that I wasn’t getting. For instance, at intermission, when Mel Brooks said, “Cover your faces” and they all covered their faces. That was the lamest gag I’d ever seen and thought, “I MUST be missing a reference here. It can’t be THAT unfunny.”

Individual taste is an interesting thing. Although I hated last night’s show, the restaurant opening was the best episode ever, IMO.

Another favorite would be the Christmas one. Larry: “<cough>The pubic hair–I got it!”, while wrestling with the man who was playing Joseph.

nutty bunny, my guess is that you have never seen the film The Producers, with Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder (a classic, rent it if you haven’t seen it!!!)…that scene was stolen directly from the film, and the play. Maybe this is why some of you guys didn’t like the final half of the show - to anyone who is unfamiliar with the original Producers, a lot of the very funny references wouldn’t have made any sense, or at least, wouldn’t be funny.

I had a feeling I was missing something. Thanks. :slight_smile: