I'll trade my $4.95 for your local item of interest.

I’m willing to make a trade for anyone that is having trouble signing up, either due to methods of payment or lack of cash.

I’ll help out by covering the $4.95 in exchange for something interesting from where ever you are. A cool postcard, a menu from a local restaurant that you really like, a flier from the northern most indian restaurant in the world. Anything that can be easily mailed by you in exchange. (I’m located smack dab in the middle of North America, anywhere else is interesting). :smiley:

We both win. You get to sign up at SDMB, I get stuff in the mail that’s more interesting then my bills.

Check out my profile for an email address.

Even as a non-subscription-related device, this is a cool idea… What if a bunch of dopers started mailing other random dopers local memorabilia?

I guess logistically it wouldn’t work so well as a mass idea, but it would at least be cool.

I’ve already subscribed, but I can send you something Floridian if you like in exchange for something middle-of-north-American (a clump of dirt, perhaps? ;))

Whatever you like… a stuffed baby gator, Mickey Mouse ears, a Girls Gone Wild video…

This is a really cool idea and I wish I’d thought of it… If Tastes of Chocolate’s enthusiasm for the project begins to wane, I’ll happily make a similar deal with someone.

I’ve already subscribed but if you need any kind of keepsake from Canada (Toronto) let me know :slight_smile:

I could send, like, three postcards and a take-out menu to a chinese food place in exchange for two memberships (one for myself, and one for The Cody, aka sooperpooper, I think).

Any takers?

I also have already subscribed, but I would be willing to send you a postcard from SW michigan.

I doubt NYC souvenirs are in any short supply but… if anyone wants something from the City That Never Sleeps, lemme know.

(OK so I live in Connecticut, but who would want a CT souvenir? ;))

Scranton has an anthracite coal museum, a Harry Houdini museum, minor league baseball and hockey teams, an Arena Footbal League team, Steamtown USA, as well as being the home of Jason Miller(Fr. Karras in The Excorcist) and Syracuse guard Gerry McNamara, among other things.

Anybody want anything inexpensive (>$10) and easy to mail?

Not a member of, or affiliated with, the Scranton Tourism Council.

Wow, my Scranton seems so boring.

All 570 of us.

I started a new thread if anyone is interested in doing a Post card exchange It sounds like a neat idea to exchange post cards with dopers from afar.

To take some pressure off the very generous Tastes of Chocolate, I’ll make the same deal with the first, let say, 5 people to contact me–maybe a few more if you offer really cool stuff. I’d hate to see anyone not be able to post for want of money I’ll just spend on mochas and candy bars.

My e-mail is in my profile.

D’OH!. I meant <$10. Less than. Not costing more than. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve sent you an email, Silver. Let’s see if we can get this to work.

E-mail headed your way, Casey1505

I’ve gotten a couple of requests, and I can probably swing 1 or 2 more, if anyone else needs help.

Also, from above, it sounds like jackelope is in too, if anyone needs it.

The phones are still open.

I am so almost all over this heaven sent offer.

I cannot subscribe because I have an old browser and am afraid to upgrade without assistance in case I send the whole system south. It was just restored after being down a long time, by some very kind people.

I have the money, the credit card even the paypal account but my browser won’t do the deed.

So I’d be all over these very kind offers, in a NY minute…
…but if we haven’t been able to subscribe we cannot gain access to your profile to access your email address.

Besides that one little detail this is a brilliant idea. And has the potential to be a lifesaver to me.

Why I am already making an inventory of the curious items I’ll be sending your way from my own curious little home town.


Subscribed already, but if anyone wants a postcard, just email :slight_smile:

When you click on the name and get the dropdown menu, go to “e-mail this person” instead of “Profile”. It’ll hand you the e-mail addy.

elbows, I would be more than happy to get someones email address for you. You can contact me at misstee_dawn@yahoo(dot)com.

Is it presumptious for an technical incompetent like me to offer advice? I am rather hoping that my admission of non-techiness might somehow help, i the sense of “if I can do it…”

What I want to suggest was - install another browser - Opera or something or, basically, whatever it is that you are not currently using.

If that works, fine. If it does not help, well, you still have the browser you are currently using, and you can go back to that one (and delte the new one, if required.

Obvously, I don’t know what your PC is like, but I reckon mine has to be one of the more low-grade ones around - running only 28 MB RAM, yet I can alternate between Opera and IE6, depending which is better at the time.

Oops - jsut remembered, if oen has a bad internet conneciton, downloading can be a very great pain in the nether regions. Still, it’s a thought.

As for the O.P, what a terrific idea - I’d have signed up for that one last week, no trouble! But I decided to be brave and pay up, hoping that my card details would remain safe, Yep, as I said, I’m not veyr techy and was scared at the idea of divulging bank card info.

Having signed up, then, I won’t take up this nice and imaginative offer, but can send posotcards of something Scottish, if you like. :slight_smile: