Will You Marry Me? How 'Bout You?

Love is in the air! Or is that all the pollen that’s making me tear up? Anyway, what with June fast approaching, and the suddenly expanded pool of potential mates in Massachusetts, the Marriage-O-Meter is rising fast.

I’ll give credit where it’s due: It was the proposal of another Doper, in this thread, that started the wheels turning: If you were to propose marriage to any Doper(s), which would it be? And let’s make it more fun: You’re a Massachusetts resident and you’re setting up a menage a trois. (Yes, I know bigamy isn’t legal. Yet. We all know that gay marriage is just the camel’s nose, right?) So, which Doper of either sex (or more, if you like) would you invite to share your heart, hearth, and numbered Swiss bank account?

As for me… hmmmmmmmmm… Blonde? SanguineSpider? Siege? AvhHines? I’ve already proposed to Eve in the other thread, but she has so many to choose from… And there are so many more cool Doperettes… :confused:

For a man… Well, Master Wang-Ka jumps to mind. But wait! If I married him and Siege, would I have to move to Texas? :eek:

Or I could go for broke, and offer my humble heart and hand to… Coldfire and Lynn Bodoni. :smiley:

Who’s the richest? :smiley:

Alas, ETF, you’re a day (well, November of two years ago, but who’s counting?) late and a dollar (no comment) short:D

Well, I’m game. Bring the horses, and my wife probably won’t even mind. :smiley:

Well, I already have a man. I figure that since I live in MA, I should pick a woman. I get dibs on Harmless. That chick is funny :smiley:

Normally, I won’t even try to speak for Coldfire, but in this case, I feel very comfortable in declining your proposal on his behalf. :slight_smile:

Aw, you guys are being too realistic. Assume no spouses on either end, that is yours or your potential Doper proposee.

Hmm. Since this came up with SSMs, I guess for wives it would be a toss-up between EddyTeddyFreddy (for general sweetness, animals, and a real gift for light verse) and Eve (for that delightfully waspish wit, impeccable taste, and over-all Miss Manners touch). sigh. a pity I’m straight…

Men. Master Wang-Ka springs immediately to mind, with his wonderful humor and general all-around good guy-ness (but he’ll have to move to NJ - somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot, hopefully he’s going back, and I don’t want to be in the same state!), but there’s something to be said for Bippy the Beardless - a Brit, he speaks fluent Oracle (even if he is a DBA rather than a programmer), and I seem to remember that he’s a Dom… sigh. a pity I’m involved…

Ahh doper love :slight_smile:
I would have to propose to auntie em because she is so darn cool and cute and plnnr because he sounds like a fun guy.

Oh man, the two dopers that really jump out at me are Eve and Maureen, neither of whom know me from Adam.

I love Eve’s sheer presence (oops, I mistyped sheer as sheep. No, that’s not right at all). Since she’s already got a proposal in the works, I have a question for Maureen:

Mama Mo, will you marry me? I’d be a good husband, except for being a straight woman and all; I can cook and clean and I have a promising garden. Oh, and I can raise you your very own beef! How 'bout it, eh? I hope Cowboy doesn’t mind…

Oh, my!! If6was9, darlin’, you have competition. A woman who can cook? Always wanted one a them. :cool: Cowgirl Jules, how’re your foot massaging skills? I give superlative back rubs. And, I don’t snore. Or hog the blankets. You’re even in the right state.

There ya go, Mo! You said you can’t even grow mold. And she can raise beef too. I can’t offer any of those things. Well… I can clean. And I can EAT beef… :smiley:

I’m heartbroken, misstee. I thought we had sumthin’ goin’. :wink:

Hey, he is willing to get naked

Are you willing to get naked ? If so, I hereby change my mind:

vunderbob will you marry me?

Woo Hoo!
I do, I do! :slight_smile:
Yay! I got’s me a redheaded lesbo of the bi variety! :smiley:
I always wanted one of those! (My mother always used to say I was a lesbo. Then again, she used to say I was black, too. :dubious: )
Can we add** Hal Briston ** and kittenlm to our group? KITTY! :-p
How many people can we marry?
'Cause I have a list!
Can I have a harem?! :eek:
Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please!
I used to have one in high school!
I take ever so good care of them!
That way I can rotate them out and no one gets exhausted. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hell ya, I’m willing to get nekkid. I’m not so sure you want to see it, but if it means we’re engaged… :smiley:

Hmmmmmmmmmm… Let’s see. Doper men I propose to: Homebrew (cause you know, I have a crush on him), plnnr ( he made me drool when I saw his calendar shot), Bumbazine, Exgineer, Rue DeDay, ShibbOleth, welby (the fun men in Rue’s MMP threads). That’s enough for starters.

Doper women, I propose to: FairyChatMom (just cause she’s her), Kallessa (she drinks, smokes and gambles all at the same time. What’s not to love?), Ashes Ashes (she’s just fun), Lissla Lissar (she has extra husbands and eclectic furniture. Plus I need at least one Canadian), Taters (she cooks dinner for her husband, so I figure…), tanookie (she designs puzzles and is plotting with FCM for world domination) and Tupug Anachi (who’s in the process of getting her online MD in Psychiatry just so she can write me a doctor’s note to permanently excuse me from stoopid meetings.)

And after the wedding we’re all gonna have a big ol’ pool party/ reception.

Yikes – I have a doppelganger? I was planning to ask you to be part of my marriage, swampy – you being familiar with the cabana-boy setup in the attic and all – but if you’d rather marry the other puzzle-editor-and-plotter-of-world-domination, well – say “sayonara” to Sergei, knowwhatImean? :stuck_out_tongue:

AARRRRRRRRRGH!!! I got twicks and 'nookie mixed up! twicks of course I wanna marry you and Sergei. I want both of y’all in my marriage. Why, it’d just be incomplete without ya. [sub]I am such a screw up![/sub]

What the heck, I’ll try anything once.

Besides, swampy has a pool and a floating cooler and a bar on his deck.

I’m in.

Wooo Hooo, I gots me some nekkid vunderbob.