Do you have anyone of your non-prefered sex that you would do?

You know - if you’re a straight woman are there any women you would do, straight men - men, gay men - women, gay women - men. Those who are bi-sexual can list persons of either sex they would like to do.

Personally, I’m very pro penis, but I must admit, I would do Anne Lenox. Of course, she would have to sing first - and obviously agree to do me (despite being a hetro female herself). But I would do her, if given the opportunity.

That woman is fine, fine, fine.

I’m sure this thread has been done before, but hey, tastes change don’t they :slight_smile:

I would do Josh Hartnett in a heartbeat. After that, the guy who plays Eliott Stabler in Law & Order: SVU. Chris Meloni, is that his name?

And if any of my lesbo friends see this post, I will deny to the death ever having said any of this LOL

Max. :smiley:


Kate Winslet. If I were ever to swing to the other side, she’d be my first choice.

Well, I’ve got to admit that Elijah Wood (as he appeared in the LOTR trilogy) put his thumb on my Kinsey scale. Pretty boy, that. :smiley:

Bruce Springsteen.

Angelina Jolie. I heard that she was the “woman that most women would turn gay for”. So I guess I’d have to stand in line. But if she was too tired by the time I got to her, she could just lay there and let me wiggle around on her lips for a bit. I don’t think it would take long.

Not really anyone I would do but when I was a kid I used to love that song “Hot Child in The City” sung by Nick Gilder.

At the time I THOUGHT that was a woman singing and I had the biggest chrush on what I thought was her. I didn’t find out that she was a he untill about five years ago. Now I can never listen to that song with out get’n the whillies… shudders

Brooke Shields, back in her Blue Lagoon days.

Or Franka Potente, of Run Lola Run/Bourne Identity fame.

I’m bi but prefer women and my choices for men would be: Edward Norton; Brad Pitt; Sean Astin; Maynard James Keenan; and Josh Hartnett.

I forgot Alexander Siddig. D’oh.

Johnny Depp

I’m straight I’m not stone!

I’m straight, but the last person I would ‘do’ is Angelina Jolie. Eww. Sorry Hillbilly queen :wink:

I wouldn’t ‘do’ Cameron Diaz either, but I find her very attractive. And Emma Thompson. The last one because she’s pretty, intelligent and funny.

Catherine Zeta-Jones. She is so beautiful and classy!

Dude Angelina Jolie and eww do NOT! I repeat DO NOT go in the same sentence. :wink:

I’d make love to Deb Girnius . I used to date her brother. voluptuous, sultry, sexy with blue eyes & dark hair… and the voice of an angel.

Eddie Vedder. My top pick for the past decade or so. What can I say, I’m a product of my times. :wink:

New candidate: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers…because he reminds me of Eddie Vedder a decade ago, only slightly taller and with an Irish accent.

Straight guy here.

No, I wouldn’t do any guy, no matter how good looking he was.

Straight guy here - and just never had that tingle for any man. So no.

… and short, too, which would be v. handy for… well, never mind.

As for me… nope. Nary a glimmer of interest in the hairier sex.