Ask the Guys who are in Love with Techchick

Beat me, baby … eight to the bar.

Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it love…

It’s more like “I want to take a dirty sex-shower with her” sort of feeling, but that’s just me. I am sure that there are plenty of guys who actually do love her.

Love, I don’t know about. I’m to giddy with lust to consider carefully.

< techchick stares at Euty with her evil eyes…turns him into stone long enough to freeze him to place him in in the chamber of hell. Sets up her camara, sets the IP address and starts flogging him. >


What am I supposed to be asking, exactly? Why you guys are in love with Techchick? As that’s (persumably) your only common characteristic, I guess it would have to be.

Alright, I’m all for fighting ignorance and what not, so why are you guys in love with Techchick? And would it be possible to get a role call or something? So I know who I’m questioning, of course.


Euty is making fun of me… < tehe >

Well Euty, you have to know I love ya, but I can imagine that you are becoming pale now because of my evil stare. :wink:

< giggle – sorry, this takes a while to load, I couldn’t optimize it much more >

If you don’t know, I ain’t sayin. Leastwise till I get that job in Denver.


First, follow this link -

Second - she likes beer

Third - ever she her kick a troll’s ass?

Fourth… ad infinitum

This is why they’re in love with her, Amok. Don’t let techchick’s humility fool ya.

Hell, I’m in love with her myself now!

**SEE her kick a troll’s ass **

One of these days I have GOT to learn how to type. :frowning:

Well, I don’t know about love or lust, but as techchick68 has always been very nice to me, I’ll just go with a stiff-upper-lip British leve of respect.

Techchick is absolutely perfect. Except she lives too far away and she is too young to ever be interested in an old guy and anyway, I’m already married. But I adore her anyway.

tehe, I updated the page I posted.

Techchick, you are sick, twisted & technically savy (plus an absolute babe).

But I mean that in a good way. :smiley:

Moi? Sick and twisted?

Techchick even has a cool dad! If I were single… shit who am I kidding, a chick that cool will never settle down, that could be the one and only flaw.

Damn, if I were 10 years younger, 6 inches taller, a lot cuter, and had a broom I’d make a serious attempt to sweep her off her feet myself.
Hey, I have a broom.
Now all I need are a time machine, a rack, and a good plastic surgeon.

Aright I saw her first!!! Away ye scoundrels!!

How come girls hate when they get treated like a piece of meat but most guys love it?

Well maybe not most guys…prolly just me…

Back to Diablo!!

< hehe >

Looks like I have my own fan club.

You worship the sites I surf.

You drool over every word.

< hehehehehe >

But Damnit – where’s Euty to see the page I created for him?


Count me in as one of the love sick! :smiley:

Your wish is my command oh great Empiress.

:: gee i hope i spelled that right, but i doubt it ::