Men in eyeliner

So with my previous thread concerning my hunt for badass punk boots for big feet, I was sharing the boots I like with a friend and she asked if I had ever tried wearing eye liner. To which I did a mental double take. Men in eye liner? Ummm, I’m no thespian so why would I wear eye liner?

She was patient and explained that apparently it’s a style for people with eyes like mine, the lighter colors, to sometimes wear eye liner either all the way around the eye or just under it. Apparently it helps accent it or something.

I’m almost completely clueless when it comes to makeup. I only know what I learned from sharing a bathroom with a younger sister. What do you dopers think about men in eyeliner or even other pieces of makeup?

Now we’re not talking on stage or anything, I mean in just day to day life…

Men in eyeliner = Sexxxay! Woohoooo!

The only guy I know who regularly uses eyeliner also regularly dresses up in drag (in which he’s quite pretty, no complaints). He also freaks out on acid quite spectacularly once or twice a year. Most people wouldn’t be able to pull it off, but he’s got the personality for it. I don’t know about “normal” men wearing eyeliner the way a woman does, seems kind of weird to me.

Definitely. :smiley:

Mmm, men in eyeliner. Drool.

I think it’s quite sexy, personally, but only if you can pull it off. Also be forewarned that if I met a random guy in eyeliner on the street, I (and many other people) would probably think 1) that he was gay and/or 2) that he was part of some subculture such as “goth.” I mean, if you are, then that’s great, but if not, people might get the wrong impression. Also, it’s probably not a good idea if you work in a professional environment.

Depends on the man. On Johnny Depp, eyeliner looks incredible. Ditto Tim Curry and Christopher Judge. I don’t think I’d want to see a pale guy like Paul Bettany wearing eyeliner.

I suggest that you give it a try. Pretty soon you’ll learn whether people swoon or laugh.

depends on the guy, but in general: HAWT

Oh, do it because all the pretty boy punks do. Only wear eyeliner if you know how to apply it though. Obviously, it looks bad if you don’t. It is true though, the only guys I know who do this are gay/labeled goth/both. Some of the gay guys I know also have an obsession with glitter…

I wonder why I’m the only person on livejournal with “eyeliner fetishes” as an interest. Hmm.

You sound like a very good looking person, ronincyberpunk. Just saying. As for the eyeliner on men thing, yes, very good.

I have to say I’ve never heard of men using eyeliner, except for public performance and drag.

But then I’m oooooold. :slight_smile:

Yes yes yes! I’m waiting for the man who will let
me make up his eyes before I ravish him.

Cherished spouse, you have been warned.

Well, to gauge the effect of the eyeliner, we need to see what you’d look like without it.

Was I the only one to look at the title of this thread and think: “Men wearing eyeliner? That sounds like something that isn’t normal?”

Of course I am the kind of pasty white skinned guy who would probably looks better glasses than I would with eyeliner.

All I have to say is: this thread is useless without pictures!

True! Before and after! Before and after!

::pounds rhythmically on table::

Yeah! Definitely!!

Eyeliner? It sounds intensely gay. So gay that even gay gays would go “Whoa! dial it back a notch sunshine! That’s* too * gay!”

If, however, there’s some veggie lasagna or spread eagled female moistness waiting at the end of this scenario… well maybe I could use some color.


But if chicks like a guy in eyeliner, is it gay?

Maybe not, if women could be counted on not to say at some vulnerable moment in the future “HA! HA! you wore eyeliner. You were such a pretty little thing!”, but somehow I’d don’t think they’d be able to resist.