My cat just fell off the bed

He was lying near the foot of the bed. Rolled to his right, right off the side and onto the floor. He gets up, looks around, hops back up and lies back down.


Yeah, but I bet he landed on his/her feet, right? :wink:

My dog does that about once every month or so - he always jumps right back up on the bed, as if to say “yup, I checked in the floor for you - everything’s OK down there.”

I fell off the bed once. Landed on the cat’s feet, so I guess it is true, when you fall you always land on the cat’s feet.

funny story,

It was late at night maybe even in the morning, but our cat sleeps on the mantle over our heads. the mantle is part of a water bed, a big one.

So one night I was in a deep sleep and he fell right onto my face and scratch my cheek close enough to my eye.

the funny part is that I woke up screaming like a little bitch. My wife was crying from laughter.

The cat however is fine and will be out of the vetinary hospital any day now!

He meant to do that

My cat does this a lot. Usually she is ‘allowing’ me to pet or scratch her and she gets so lost in her reverie she rolls off the bed.

There are few things funnier than watching a cat fall off something. If the cat is asleep at the start of the fall, it’s even better.

[Robin Williams voice, as a cat]Oh, shit. Gravity works![/RWVAAC]

Nope, bed’s too low to the ground.

ROFLMAOSCOK :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Bill the Cat does that on a regular basis. We have decided he’s just checking to make sure we paid the gravity bill.

He’s also the CatMostLikelyToGetInTheTrashCan, so we say we have the only bill in town that throws itself in the trash.

My cats’ll do this off the sofa. Savannah loves hanging out on her back (we call her Flopsy-doodle, because she’ll be sitting licking her foot or something, and she’ll just flop back), and she loves snuggling on the couch. She’ll be purring with me on the couch, and try to roll over onto her back, and she’ll fall right off my lap. It’s too funny, because she looks all freaked out and nonchalant and reproachful at the same time – as if it were my fault. :smiley:

There is a great triptic of a fat cat sitting like Budda cleaning himself on the edge of a bed. He’s facing the center. In the first picture he’s just sitting. In the second, all four limbs are stretched out with a look of panic on his face. The third is of back feet and tail following him backwards off the bed.
I tried to Google it, but no luck.

This one? Fat Cat Capsizing

We have a seat-level front to our fireplace, and the other day one of our cats was up there playing with a rubber band. She pushed it over the edge, reached down with both paws to get it, and ended up flipping flat onto her back. She seemed more baffled than embarassed, but I managed to rescue the rubber band before she could eat it. Stupid cat!

Our Merekitty does this too, especially if she’s getting petted. She’ll stretch and roll and then fall off the couch.

All of our cats believe that wastebaskets are where humans put the most INTERESTING toys.

Oh my god that cat is so fat! I hope they didn’t use a real life model. Or else I hope they put said cat on a diet immediately after the picture was taken.

It’s the clear look of shock on the cat’s face in section two that amuses me so much.

My cat does this so often, she has learned the phrase “you’re gonna fall on your furry face” means she needs to stop rolling and reorient herself. Its too funny when she crawls into a blanket or jacket and then rolls off. Imagine a kitty crawling down the sleeve of a wool coat when that coat starts to slide off the back of the sofa…priceless humor.