It's A Briston Baby!!

I’ll go into more detail when I’m not going on 32 hours without sleep, but The Turkey has arrived!

Shayla Kathleen McLaughlin was born at 3:41 a.m. EST on Monday, 11/21/05. She weighes in at 7 lbs., 13 oz. and is 21.75" long. (If anyone wants to figure out who won the baby pool, be my guest. If not, I’ll figure it out in a few days)

In the name of all that is disturbed in this world, geez louise I’m a father. :eek:
Wow…good thing I previewed. In addition to about 30 sleep-deprivation-based spelling errors, I forgot one the most important things…the pit’chers!!

WHOO HOO! Absolutely beautiful.

Congrats, ** Ha & kitten**

She’s crying. Did someone tell her about the sheep?

No really, that’s a beeeeyoutiful baby. Many congrats.

As the father of a girl, who was an only - commence drinking now.

Congratulation to you both! Shayla’s a beautiful baby. :slight_smile:


The most beautiful song in the world, isn’t it?

Congratulations to the three of you. Enjoy each other.

What a little lamb! :smiley:

Seriously – congrats!

That’s wonderful to hear. Congrats to the both of you!

I wondered who would be the first to register a sheep joke.

Congrats to all of you.

Not baaaaaaaaaad, Hal. She’s cute. Is that a wool blanket?

Congrats! Ewe are soooo lucky! :smiley:

Oh, Hal, she’s gorgeous. Congratulations to you both!

What a pretty turkey you have! Grats to Hal and family!

I luv babies!
She is a beauty! (Must take after her mother!)

Look closely at her little finger, guys. You will see Hal wrapped tightly around it. It doesn’t take long. One look at that little face, realizing that you remember what 16 year old boys are like, and you’ll start laying in the ammunition and building the moat.

She’s lovely. Congrats, and enjoy. 18 years is not long at all.

Alright! Another Home Grown Future Doper!

Welcome, Shayla! What a cutie! :slight_smile:

Kiss all hope of sleep goodbye for the next eighteen years…

My little girl saw the pics and said, “Awwwww!”

I agree.

Congratulations on the gnu addition to the family, Hal.
I hope she brings you years of joy!

Congrats, Hal. I rarely participate in new baby threads as new babies are fairly uninteresting to me (what? they smell funny, and scream a lot. Big deal) but I had to come out of the woodwork for you.

Oh, she’s beautiful! Congratulations! Love that child with everything you’ve got!