I'm begging you, watch Hustle on Saturday at 10pm

I’ve said this a few times and so far I have had very small feedback. This is a show I’m campaigning for and if you’re going to watch an episode, tomorrow is a brilliant one to start with. Why? Because it’s one of my favorite episodes of the show.

Hustle is a show about a group of con men (and a woman) who work the long con on unsavory people. Tomorrow though, well, I won’t give you any spoiler stuff. Let’s just say it’s a jewel of a con.

Does the name Robert Vaughn ring any bells? He’s still acting and he’s fantastic in this show. The rest of the cast is fairly unknown in the US. But they do amazing. Adrian Lester is unbelievable in this role and I can only hope he makes the leap to American cinema. And guys, back off Jaime Murray, she’s mine.

TIVO USERS beware. Since the show is from the BBC originally, the show was 60 minutes without commercials. AMC has added fifteen minutes of commercials and so it runs for 75 minutes in total. Please check your tivo to make sure it accounts for this. My DVR did at home, but I don’t want you all to miss the tale end of the show.

In theory tomorrow’s episode was a season finale for the BBC broadcast of the show, they did it in 6 show series and this is the end of their first series. You’ll pick it up quickly, the characters are brilliant and it’s easy to follow.

Please, I’m begging you, watch this show. Don’t make this another Firefly. This show is too good to be cancelled so early in its life. Alright fine, it has more episodes than Firefly (12, with 6 more coming in the March I believe) but please watch this show - you’ll like it. I promise. I swear. I’m not one to beg, but I will if that’s what it takes.

AMC’s Hustle site
BBC Hustle site
BBC’s episode synopsis – SPOILER WARNING FOR LINK
Wikipedia: Hustle (BBC)
IMDB: Hustle (2004)

I posted in the other thread that I just finished watching both seasons and I agree. This is a great, fun show. Watch it.

I tried. I usually like Adrian Lester (he’s done enough stuff in the US that he’s recognizable and he’s hot).
And I just couldn’t get into it.
At all.

So did anyone watch it?