Straight Dope Subscription Help 2006

Please use this thread for all requests for Doper assistance with the subscription process. This includes assistance for those with no credit card or PayPal access as well as people who need help with the subscription fee itself.

For technical assistance with subscriptions write me off the board at Let me remind you please: Do not post your personal information in this thread.

Speaking of personal infomation, please be advised that if you ask someone to pay your subscription for you that they can see your email address when they make payment. If you have chosen to hide your address from public view this may be of concern to you. I would suggest you use an alternate email address (even just temporarily) and change your address after your subscription is paid. This is not considered a violation of our privacy policy.


I’ll go first.

I have the check already filled out for the amount needed, all I need is someone with either a credit card or Paypal to be the middleman.

Any takers?

I’m going to have to beg someone to foot the bill, as I am unable to pay myself.

I’m also in the position of asking for someone to foot my bill. I may have the money to spare at some point here (in which case I’ll happilly re-emburse the kind soul who helps me re-up), but it’s not guaranteed, nor will it be in time.

I’m in pretty much the same situation as Tengu. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to have Paypal anytime in the next few weeks, but I do have a checkbook & stamps, yay.

Eh, it looks like I would probably will need someone to foot the bill for me as well, if anybody feels generous enough.

If not, no biggie, I’ll leave gracefully, and possibly return when the funds allow.

I have a $15 check also. My e address is in my profile, but I am safe til 5/5/6.

Please see here for information on how to subscribe for yourself or someone else:

Any Euro-Dopers willing to make the transaction for me? PayPal doesn’t work and I don’t have a credit card, but I’m sure the payment could be worked out in some other way.

I can pay someone’s subscription fee if they are willing to wait a week. I can offer the use of my credit card to help one or two people resubscribe.

This is first come first serve and my email is in my profile.

athelas and Tengu, consider yourself covered, if I can figure out where the Order button is.


**athelas ** is already covered. Sorry for the confusion I did his On the weekend.


Will we receive some form of confirmation message that the subscription has been accepted? I tried to re-subscribe yesterday but ran into one of the Board’s regular “frozen” periods and eventually got timed out. I don’t know whether the re-subscription worked or not. Should I try again?

Governor Quinn is covered too.

Thanks, but save your money for someone who needs it…Melondeca’s got me covered. (Or will in a week, rather).

Electronic Chaos, has someone done you yet?


Have you checked your User CP to see if you’ve been re-subscribed?

Apparently it did not take – I do not see where your subscription has been renewed.

You will receive a confirmation email if the transaction went through.

Please try again.

Sorry for your inconvenience.


No, they haven’t.

I can pay if someone’s got the plastic. Just let me know where to send the money order.