So, who won the freaking election already?

I’m sitting here and it’s after 11 am on Tuesday Nov. 7, and apparently NONE of the major news media have declared winners in any Senate or House races! What’s wrong with these guys? Used to do, all you had to do was have voters get near a polling station and the networks would call the election on the spot, just from the smell of their colognes and/or perfumes. It was incredible. And sometimes, way off base. But always fun.

So, anyway, this seems like a good point to track the election in real time from. Since it’s political I’m putting it here, even though the only debate is the meta-debate of who SHOULD win the election. And we may have been over that ground already. But if a mod wants to move the thread, I’m OK wif dat.

And don’t blame me. I voted for Kodos.

Did you know that Kodos favors cloning human babies to provide incubation hosts for Alien larvae?

Also for use in Submarine Sandwiches.

I live in a boring state. No surprises expected in CA. Arnold’s gonna win. Feinstein’s gonna win. Maybe there’s a House seat or two up for grabs somewhere…

Same. New York. This Clinton woman seems to be doing quite well.

Really? Is she related to that other guy named Clinton?

I’ve got two close races in Georgia which had Bushie-boy himself down here stumping last week, but both are in rural districts that I am not in. I get to vote in a staunchly Pubbie district using freaking Deibold vote stealers.

This is just reading tea leaves but I went out bright and early to vote the fuck against Bush this morning and was surprised how heavy the turnout was at 8 in the morning. My precinct is normally very quiet and I’ve never had to stand in line even during presidential elections. This morning was the most crowded I’ve ever seen that place. A big turnout is usually bad news for incumbents.

One interesting observation – they mostly had the paper ballots where you fill in the ovals with a marker, but they also had one electronic machine (I have no idea why – I think it may have been experimental). The interesting thing is that the election ladies (or whatever they’re called) kept trying to encourage people to use the e-voter but had a hard time getting anyone to try it. People chose to stand at the back of the line rather than sit down immediately at the computer. Nobody trusts those things.

No way is turnout going to be bigger than it was in '04, even if it’s high for a mid-term election.

Early problems.

By marriage, though I sense an iciness between them. That’s where my gossiping ends, though, I’d rather leave the Clintons’ private lives untouched by rumour-mongering and innuendo.

You don’t have to talk him up to me.

Santorum seems to be readying for life back in the private sector.

Ohio had early voting this year, so I voted yesterday. I live in a tiny county in Ohio, and they are predicting 36-39% voter turnout.

The area is extremely depressed, economically. Strickland and Brown signs outnumber Blackwell and DeWine by about 10-1.

I love the smell of “kick the bums out” in the morning! Really, it’s nice to see these smug power brokers sent packing. The only question I have, is why do they have to relearn that lesson every 10 - 15 years? This shouldn’t be their first BBQ…

It’s a nail biter here in Missouri! I can second Diogenes’ observation that lots of people seemed reluctant to use the machine rather than the paper ballot. I stated that I had no preference and they led me to the machine. The interface was clear and the process was easy. The machine is set up so you can watch it print your choices on a piece of paper and verify that everything’s correct. All in all a positive experience; I’d use the machine again confidently.

But Kang favors alien-human marriages!

Are you surprised? Especially seeing that it’s happening in Ohio and Florida.


Dreary, mild, drizzling morning here in Northern Ohio(Akron). Went to vote with my ex this am, and lines were amazingly long(to me) for 10AM midterm election. Used paper ballot that you fill in the oval, and when you’re through, feed into computer. Went OK. A little slower than punch cards, but if they are more accurate, then so be it.

After helplessly watching Ohio help clinch it for Bush in 2004, this will be a sweet evening watching Ohio vote out so many Republicans.

Say–anyone hear which precinct Ann Coulter voted in yet? This time? :slight_smile:

Southeastern Ohio here. Dreary and cold.

Voted this morning. Longest line I’d ever seen in Marietta. It must have been 5 or so people long. Voted on optical scanner and saw one guy who had trouble getting it read. He had to revote with his old one destroyed and recorded as such.

Reports from my reporters indicate high turnout.