Doperville Mafia - New Players Welcome!

So you keep hearing about this great game called Mafia, and you think you want to play? Feel intimidated by the larger games with the die-hard players? Maybe you just want to get your feet wet before stepping it up against the big boys?

Well, this is the game for you! I am now taking sign-ups for Doperville Mafia. New and inexperienced players are welcome to join, as are veterans of the game, who would like to help teach the next generation of Mafia players. As I understand, NAF1138 and USCDiver will be starting another game (Cecilvania) for more experienced players very soon. If there is still interest for a third game after that, I may be willing to start another round.

This will be a medium sized game, limited to 12-16 players, but it still requires a significant time commitment. Expect the game to last 2 months. Active participation is required.

Post your desire to join the game, or sign up as a replacement. I have already promised a few people a spot in the game, and the remaining spots will be given by lottery. Sign up will end tonight (5/9/08) at 11:59PM Mountain Time. The Game will begin once all players have confirmed their role assignments.

Current Sign-up List
Thing Fish

10 spaces available

I’m interested. I’ve played the game IRL, but never online.

I’d love to play.

I’d like to play. :slight_smile:

I would like to play!

Im in. Count my participation in Simpletown as going backwards as opposed to being contributory in any meaningful way.

WTH - can only get better, right?

And if RyJaye claims miller it’s going to be whole lot of :dubious:

Oh, geez, are y’all gonna keep saying stuff that doesn’t mean diddly to the rookies?

Just skim Simpletown. Afterwards make careful notes of what I do - then do opposite.

I have no interest in reading previous threads – is that going to be a handicap? (serious question.)

Count me in, but if there’s a newbie who wants in instead, give them priority.

I don’t want to be in the sublist though, should a newbie bump me out.

Nah, I had skimmed a couple before my first game and it didn’t do me a lick of good.

Heya, put me at the bottom of the list. I’m happy to wait for Cecilvania, and to let the newbies have a go, but I don’t want the game to stall due to lack of players, so I’ll play if a slot needs filling.

I feel the same as fluid…I’m waiting for Cecilvania, but I’m willing to play here if it’s needed…place me low, or make me a sub if you fill :slight_smile:

do I have to confirm now? or just after you tell me who I’m playing?

Woo! Killing scum is awesome! I’m not a total newb (2 games + 1 watched)but I definitely wouldn’t consider myself a veteran, so no Cecilvania for me. I think this will be a lot of fun. We had all better post a lot, so that I have something to do at work between calls!

Same here. Mafia sounds really fun, but I have to admit that I know next to nothing about it. I hope that the experienced players will be really patient with us noobs.

The Player List
Thing Fish

The Lottery List
The Unkempt One

The “If There is Room List”
Hoopy Frood

As it stands, there is room for everyone to play.

You Don’t need to read the 30 page threads to learn the mechanics of this game, but reading older games can be helpful for developing strategy. Just skim through one day’s discussion if you are curious.

Also, check out the Mafia Wiki for useful information. Just remember that some details change from game to game, so it is important to read the rules (which I will post later).

I figured I’d just add a few things here so that the newer players would understand some of the terms that are bound to come up during play.

WIFOM : Wine in front of me. Based on the scene in The Princess Bride, where Vizzini and Wesley face off over poisoned wine. Basically, a player second-guessing actions based on what he or she thinks the other player might do.

FOS : Finger of suspicion. Some use it, some don’t. It’s an un-official way of saying “I definitely don’t trust that person”.

EBWOP : Edit by way of posting (I think?). Correcting yourself in a new post; edits around here are frowned upon.

Others that know, feel free to fill in here too; those are the ones that kept catching me as I was starting playing (and please, correct me if I am wrong)

Sure, I’m down for another round, but if the Cecilvania game will be geared toward experienced players and will be starting soon, I’m willing to step out if some new blood wants a spot, otherwise, I’d like in.