I automatically think of Monty Python when.....

There are certain phrases and situations that automatically remind me of Monty Python. Scenes burned into my unconscious mind from a youth full of too much Monty Python :smiley:
One of the biggest ones is the word “wafer”. I automatically think of Mr. Creosote exploding after eating a small wafer :slight_smile: Or vomiting on that poor cleaning woman.

The word “Nietzsche” is another one. I always think of that scene in the Meaning of Life when the waiter asks the couple if they want to talk about Philosophy - and Mrs. Handy says “Nietzsche” but she pronounces it Neech. For some reason my mind defaults to that pronunciation it’s kind of funny.

There are more, however, I know there are some Python fans out there so - anybody else? What seemingly innocuous words or phrases immediately remind you of Monty Python?


“Yes it is!”
“No it isn’t!”

No Singing!

And I thought to myself, “a little fermented curd will do the trick,” so, I curtailed my Walpoling activities, sallied forth, and infiltrated your place of purveyance to negotiate the vending of some cheesy comestibles!

Yes, wafer. But it is waafaar theen! :smiley: And I hate that scene.

My brain hurts.

Whenever I see a silly walk. Or a dead parrot. Or a pine in the fjords.

My local supermarket has a sign that says “Cheese Shop”. Everytime I see it I mutter to myself: “Not much of a cheese shop, is it?” “Finest in the district!”

In March I was in Fort Eustis VA for about a month of training. Everyday I drove past the US Army Transportation Museum. When passing one of their outdoor displays each morning I felt the need to utter, “My hovercraft is full of eels.” Probably the first time I felt the need to say that.

Spam spam spam spam


An incomplete list:
The larch.

Lupines/lupins, and the names Dennis and Moore.


Any mention of the concept of fixing a bike, whether or not the phrase “bicycle repair” is uttered, will make me think of Bicycle Repair Man.

Yacht, mangrove, Raymond.



“My line” or any variation. “It’s my only line!”

“Anything Goes”

I’m turning 37 this year, and I want to have a party called “She’s 37, She’s Not Old!”

Can’t think about elderberries without thinking your father smelt of them.

Sometimes, when discussing things a bit… ridiculously with my husband, I say to him, “This isn’t an argument, it’s just contradiction.” He knows exactly what I mean and says, “No it isn’t!”

Also, I teach a Shakespeare play wherein herrings are mentioned. I had one student who, every time this came up, would say in unison with me, “Cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with… a herring!” No one else knew what the hell we were on about.

“I automatically think of Monty Python when…”

I walk into my mom’s place.

She has a bamboo birdcage hanging from the ceiling. In the cage is a stuffed brightly colored bird, lying on it’s side on the bottom.

“It’s not dead! It’s resting!”

In addition to Spam and parrot, the words “Lumberjack” and “Spanish Inquisition” do it for me.

Sir Phillip Sidney

The word model, as in “It’s only a model.”

Was tutoring one of my little ones, and he was trying to spell “In”. Naturally he reversed the letters and it came out as “Ni!” So I asked him (Socratic method) to sound out what he spelled, and he said “Ni!”, and I immediately came back with “nnnnNiwhahh!” out of habit, and he kind of looked at me funny. “You’ll get it in about 10 years…”

“And after the spanking comes the oral sex!”

Makes things awkward.

Hey! I was going to start a thread on this very subject. Synchronicity strikes again.

At the grocery this evening I was in line behind a 4 or 5 year old boy riding in the cart. I only heard him speak Spanish, so I began searching my beany brain for phrases one might use to start a conversation with a child. I had a vigorous urge to shout

Cuidado! Hay llamas!*