Okay Bricker, You've Made Up My Mind...

Not really, it was already made up, but it was largely due to people like you, so I’ll proceed-

Does it ever bother you to know that people like you have turned more people away from the Christian church than any Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, cult leader or atheist who ever lived? They become repulsed by the self-exonerating, fact contorting, rationalizing ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY anything into the smug shitty little grin wearing complete and total fucking selfishness that characterizes you and your ilk as you go about completely unconcerned with the message and biddings of the Christ, completely unconcerned that people all over the world are starving and dying, not giving a shit about the poor in this country, explaining away absolutely anything that those who thump their chests in high places do that’s absolutely contradictory to the religion they express to preach…

Most people I know who turned from religion did so initially because of the absolute hypocrisy and repulsion of people like you. The Christ you allegedly worship, the man who said ‘feed my sheep’ and that to ‘call a man a fool is to risk the fires of hell’ and that the life of a Christian is a life of sacrificing for others and loving/respecting all others and building treasures of the spirit… He would not know you. He would not call you by name, you are no part of him, your existences are parallel and do not intersect at any point.

And those like you turned me away from a church I once dearly loved (for I was a very religious person once) and set me down the road of inquiry that led to atheism- for that part I thank you. But you also destroyed what was beautiful and needed in religion. If you and your ilk had just taken a shit in the monstrance and wiped your ass with a handful of consecrated wafers you could not be more of an utter and abject blasphemous failure as a Christian, for you’ve far more in common with the men who jabbed the spear point in his side than those who wept at his bleeding feet.

I quite miss church sometimes, I really do. But then I remember why I left, and I stop missing even the concept, for it’s not worth the people you have to put up with.

I know nothing of the person you’re pitting so this is just as response to the general tone of your post…

Kind of like the saying that not everyone who says they are a friend is your friend, not everyone who says they are a Christian is a Christian. At least not in the way you’re thinking.

You seem to believe, and I agree with you, that people who are Christians would want to follow the teachings of Christ. As we can all (hopefully) agree that over the years the EXACT terms may have changed, but at least would follow the IDEA of what Christ taught. Not so much.

As hard as it is to do, considering the source is always something that should put comments and ideas into perspective. Just laugh, shake your head, and move on.

As long as we’re bitching here, it always amazes me during election time how often I see propaganda that insinuates that the Republican Party is the party for Christians. WTF? I’m not saying Jesus would be a Democrat, but he damn sure wouldn’t be a Republican.

In closing, fuck 'em.

See here

Could you link to a typical Bricker post that you’re reacting to?

If Bricker drove you away from religion than good for him and lucky you, regardless of everybody’s initial intent.

Word Sampiro.

I don’t see anything where Bricker brought up anything religious. Granted, I was skimming through the six pages & added a couple responses.

I did learn from pepperlandgirl that a reason that Palin is so evil is because her church had a Jews for Jesus sermon three weeks ago. I almost had the vapors!

This is a parody thread.

Btw, I finally got it! :smack: Bricker says that the rantings of some Obamanians drove him away from supporting Obama. Sampiro says that the misdeeds & hypocrisy of some believers drove him away from religion! OHHHHHHH!


Oh. So for six pages people are fighting with Cartman? No matter what you say to him/her or how they’re shown something different they come back with “Nah nah nah, I’m gonna dance. Nah, nah, nah… I like to piss people off.” and on and on?

Well, shit.

I originally thought that Bricker’s thread was a parody thread. He’s just clever enough to do that.

Cartman? Really? I thought he came off a little more like Scut Farkus.

Oh, screw you, Sampiro. You were never religious in your heart. What a disingenous liar. I can’t believe I ever bought into that thread of yours in which you “claim” you were looking for answers and were genuinely curious about people’s beliefs. You were just trolling.

(That “screw you” is said with love, ya know…being Christian and all).

I’m actually not very religious, though…

Eh, this is getting silly.

Six pages of that inanity and you nailed it in five words.


It’s been somewhat sad to watch the devolution, but (outside of some of the GQ entries) it’s hard to read his posts in anything but a Rush or Hannity voice. Thinking in terms of Cartman at least brings a tinge of humor. Actually, come to think of it, maybe I should try reading him as Coulter.

Damn, that was perfect.

When I got this in e-mail, I only got the part above and my INITIAL thought was “Wait a minute. That’s way harsh! I never would think or accuse Sampiro of that!”

Then, :smack: OH!

I am so whooshable today!

Why am I not surprised that you (and I absolutely mean you personally FriarTed) don’t have a problem with anti-semitism?

I learned from Republicans and the media that what a person hears in church is absolutely without question what a person fundamentally believes in their heart. That’s why Rev Wright was such a big deal, yes? Well, hell, applying what I’ve learned earlier this year to Palin seems fair enough. Rev. Wright apparently hates America, and Sarah Palin hates the Jews and believes that the horrible things that have happened to them is God’s punishment (I wonder if that applies only to things happening now?).

Was it Lenny Bruce? “Many people these days are leaving the Church and turning to Christianity”?

Because the word doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means.

JFJ is made of Jews. JEWS FOR JESUS. Yeah, other Jews don’t like them. So what?
And sometimes an ADL condemnation can be a badge of honor.

And the idea that problems may come to Israel/Jews (and by extension Christians) as part of God’s judgment- well, that comes from such renown anti-Semites as


Check out this from

a complaint that the Israeli flag in Future-VP Palin’s office & her AoG background show her divided loyalty between the US & Israel. Yes, Palin’s problem according to the fringe anti-statist Right is that she’s too pro-Israel.

And here’s a transcript of the actual sermon you could read… if you have the courage!:smiley:
