WorldNetDaily determines liberalism is a mental defect!

This is hilarious. I like to think of myself as an independent. I used to read WND and YellowTimes to keep in touch with the ends of the spectrum. I have found it much harder to read WND since YT shut down, and only occasionally look in on the headlines. This onecaught my eye, and I had to share:

It looks like he has created a strawman of liberal ideology and then used Freudian psychobabble to classify it as mentally defective. Enjoy and dissect.


PS: Does anyone know a good unabashedly liberal news site the equivalent of YellowTimes?

Michael Savage was right!


That’s not as bad as the article that tells it’s readers to send threatening packages to the Supreme Court in order to get them to invalidate Obama’s presidency on the grounds that he isn’t a citizen.

Or it’s just as bad.

They don’t call it The WorldNutDaily for nothing.

Why would they do that? Do they really think it’ll get the electors to put John McCain into the White House? Don’t they realize that it’d be more likely to get them President Biden? Why on Earth would they prefer that? A “devil you know” thing? “Better him than the Muslim socialist”?

WingNutDaily determines liberalism is caused by having 5-15 pounds of undigested waste in your colon.

I wouldn’t believe WorldNutDaily if they told me Rosie O’Donnell was Irish, lesbian, or an obnoxious pantload with a voice like a trombone in straight mute.

…like spackle or paste!!!

The book is apparently so good that the author’s own CV is not worthy to mention it.

I have Sean Hannity’s head in my colon?

Had very good luck with ThinkProgress and Talking Points Memo, they link and share with a slew of other lefty blog sites, so you get a taste of the whole spectrum. You want a bit more PBS-style depth, Washington Monthly as a good solid site.

This Lyle Rossiter guy, isn’t the the author of the much-discussed paper Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality?

Sweet. Now let’s all apply for disability.

Perhaps a cure? That the whole American political movement goes so far towards the progressive pole I find myself grumpily conservative, by comparison, doing Wilford Brimley posts about kids these days…

A grim prospect, to be sure, but if stern duty demands…

It isn’t hard to call strawman right wing politics as a mental disorder. That’s the beauty of strawmen. Sociopathic tendencies, perhaps? Or maybe an extreme form of middle child syndrome - those “above” you, such as governments and corporations, cannot make error and must be blindly supported; those “below” you, such as homeless gay muslims, must be bullied and victimised.

What a bunch of loonies.

Doubtful. He’d have to pull it out of his own first.

Ever since the Weekly World News folded, the WorldNetDaily has done a great job of taking up the slack.

Actually, I believe that this has already been done, and not as well as yours. A study of the natural personality tendencies of conservatives was quoted at length in John Dean’s Conservatives Without Conscience. I’ve seen it pop up in other places as well. Just as dumb as this stuff.


Every informed person knows that liberalism is a moral defect.


That book’s been around for a couple of years now.

But he is right.

They can’t deny Obama is the people’s choice, so they’re seeking some other way to pre-emptively delegitimize his presidency.

Speaking of mental defects…