New Spoiler Tag

There’s a new spoiler tag in town, and it’s much cooler than the old one. (Or, so we say, because we like shiny new things.)

We had it up for test purposes for a week or so under the [spoiler2][/spoiler2] tags, but it looks like people caught on to the secret. (We’ve since disabled the [spoiler2] tag, so you’ll see a lot of inactive tag use in that thread.)

Due to several complaints about eye-strain with the old tag (white text on a black background), and along with the sometimes inadvertent revelation of spoilered text, we thought we’d look into finding a better way of hiding spoilers. Thus, we introduce the Hide/Show spoiler tag:

Soylent Green is a sled!

Same [spoiler ] tag, different outcome. With the new tag you’ll be able to hide the usual text, smileys, links, colored text, and most everything else that inadvertently showed on a black background.

A few caveats:
[li]Javascript must be turned on for the spoiler to work properly.[/li][li]As it was with the old tag, spoilered text in the OP still shows up in mouseovers, so please remember to either post the spoiler in the second post, or place it far enough down the post that it doesn’t show in the mouseover. [/li][li]E-mailed thread subscriptions, like mouseovers, do not recognize spoiler tags, so spoilers can still be revealed that way.[/ul][/li]Otherwise, have fun, and if you have any problems, please let us know.

I spend way too much time here – I’m pretty sure this:

wouldn’t make most people giggle uncontrollably.

And also in this thread, which now looks mostly pretty stupid :rolleyes:

Yep, missed that one.

Very cool! Nice!

To Serve Man- it’s a sled!

Cool beaners. Is there anyway we could,

add a button in the reply window that would make the spoiler tags for us?

Show buttons are the new black.

In “The Mousetrap”, the murderer is a sled!

Wait – I wanna play, too!

So this is the place to post Robert Maxwell’s last words? Roseglub!

Let’s see,Can we embedspoilers withinspoilers?On preview, yes we can!




It works on my iPod Touch! (And presumably iPhones as well).

Darth Vader kills Dumbledore who shot J.R.

That’s huge!!! I didn’t even think of that!! It drove me crazy when I as surfing from my iPhone and couldn’t unspoiler a spoiler box!!!

It semi-works on my phone’s janky web browser software. But only so long as there are no embedded spoilers which, hopefully, should be few in number.

Semi-works, however, is much better than the old one which didn’t work at all.

I am the ghost of JFK. John Wayne was on the grassy knoll, dressed as a Green Beret

Does this mean that

Rosebud is people?

Just checkin’

Nothing to see here, move along.

I ate the Soylent Green