What is your Myers-Briggs personality type?

I am INTP, and I spend a good deal of time on IRC. I started asking others what their Myers-Briggs was, and to our mutual astonishment discovered that in a channel with 30+ people every single one of us was INTP. Given that INTP is one of the rarer personality types (it is in fact diametrically opposed to the most common, ESFJ) I have to assume that there’s something about IRC which makes it disproportionately appealing to we INTPs. I suspect SD has a disproportionate number of INTPs also.

Am I right?

Hehe, I’m on the line between INTP and INFP.

I imagine that you’ll find a lot of Rationals (NT) on this board due to NT’s cold rationality that sends other types running for the hills. I for one am an INTJ

ESTJ, and I’m given to understand it is a very rare type for a woman.

I’m also Lawful Neutral :smiley:

I’ve been tested a couple times, and apparently I put absolutely no stock in the measurement because I don’t remember where I came out on it. Is this something that people really follow?

ETA: I didn’t mean for that question to come off as smart-assy, I’m genuinely curious.

I’m another INTP, but, like chrisk, I’m right on the T/F line.

Another INTP chiming in. I dont put much trust in it, but I used to back in the day.

INTJ When I was younger and more… neurotic?

I tried again recently and got ISTP

I have been tested a few times at work for somewhat useless “team-building” exercises. I am very strongly INTJ.

ISTJ, the S is not that strong. The I is still reverberating in the computer.

We’re on the internet rather than talking to actual people. Hence the persistence of I.

INTJ, on the J/P cusp.

And how would one find out one’s Myers-Briggs personality type? All these acronyms, so little sense.

There are a variety of online quizzes, for example:

Start here: Myers–Briggs Type Indicator - Wikipedia
Then go here: http://www.knowyourtype.com/16_types.html

Prior thread

Every single time I take one of those tests, I come out INFP. I’m very INFP.

…also Chaotic Good

ISTJ, bigtime.

ENFP, baby!

INTJ. I flip-flop between J and P, but lately have been J. The theory is that the older you get, the more “you” you are. INTJ is one of the rarest types, and the two or three least common types for women.

As for the folks who are poo-pooing this … no, it’s not a perfect system. It does, however, offer some insights, especially about other people when you learn about their type in conjunction with learning about your type. I had done the MB before, but several years ago also did it at work with my dept. During the group debriefing, there were tons of a-ha moments. The other INTJ and I finally got the boss to understand why the idea of working lunches was so very distasteful to us. It wasn’t about us being unreasonably protective of non-work time, but just the fact that we needed a solitary break in the middle of the day to recharge. Even helping people understand the difference between I and E can go a long way towards smoothing relationships. I’m not sitting quietly in another room because I hate you, I’m sitting quietly in another room because I need some time without external stimulation.

This is the best description of an INTJ I’ve seen – slightly tongue in cheek, but oh so true. :smiley:

INTJ. The last time this subject was floated, INTJs were very disproportionally represented here. At first I thought that there was something about the SDMB in particular that appealed that particular personality type, but then I discovered something strange. While perusing the Stormfront.org boards (white supremacist central, for those who don’t get sick pleasure from crazy nazi rants), I found a poll thread there with precisely the same subject.

Which type was vastly overrepresented there, you ask?

INTJ again.

Either Dopers and crazy racists have something in common, or INTJs just tend to generally be drawn to posting on message boards. I hope it’s the latter.

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