Do you generally prefer to sit or stand while showering?

An outgrowth of the discussion in this thread leads me to wonder if shower-sitting is really all that rare.

To keep the poll options as simple as possible: yes, of course even those who sit will almost all have to stand at some point, but if you typically elect to sit for some non-trivial portion of your showers, that counts as a preference for sitting. If you’re obliged to sit because of, say, an injury, but would otherwise prefer to stand, that counts as a preference to stand.

Aside from people who are old, ill, or paralyzed, I’ve never heard of anyone sitting down to shower.

I always stood to shower. I now have to use a bench and handheld showerhead and I really miss being able to stand to shower. Sitting just isn’t the same.

Sitting is not usually an option for me. But this one time, at band camp? I was staying in a hotel room with a shower seat. I tried it and didn’t like it.

I don’t know anyone that sits down on a regular basis to shower. It kind of defeats the purpose. If only they would invent a way to clean yourself with water while sitting or being in a reclined position we would be all set.

Me either.

One time my hubby had knee surgery. I had to help him bathe. I sorely needed a device to shower a six-and-half-foot-tall man sitting down! Lawzy, it’s a long way from one end to the other.

I stand while showing most of the time but my shower does have a seat that I’ll use while performing detailed foot scrubbing and inspection. It does make that act much easier.

I had a Barcalounger in the shower, but I found the moisture was messing up the leather and the padding was compressing.

Actually, I stand. I sit sometimes to scrub my feet, especially if I’ve been in sandals all day.

In high school I sat in the shower. It’s much more comfortable then standing especially for long showers and as the water has further to travel it covers more of you body with the spray.

Once I got to college we were sharing showers and I stood. One day I walked in and saw my roommate sitting on the floor of his stall I asked him about it later and he said he washed it down with soap before sitting. The main reason I wanted to sit was because my legs were tired from practice so I didn’t have the energy to wash the shower before showering.

Since I’ve been out of the dorms I’ve only had dedicated showers which don’t have enough room for me to sit comfortably or get my head out of the spray so I’d stuck standing. After my long runs or any time I feel like taking a long shower I miss being able to kick back and relax.

I’m nearsighted. I wish I could sit in the shower, since I often cut myself shaving my legs. If I could sit, my legs would be closer to my eyes, and I could see them better.

it’s possible to sit in the shower? Isn’t that a bath?

Long, hot soak in the tub to soften the dead skin, scrub clean, then drain tub and stand for a shower rinse.

Why can’t you clean yourself with water while sitting or being in a reclined position…in the shower?

Of course it’s possible!

Step 1. Start a shower, and sit down.
There is no step 2.

I sit in the shower because I don’t like the thought of soaking in my own germs in a bath, but sitting is more comfortable. I’m on my feet at work. I’m on my feet at home. Goddamn it, I’m going to sit in the shower!

Some showers have seats in them.

I stand but I’ve also never been in a shower with a seat but if I ever was I would surely give it a whirl.

Or they have bathtubs with slanted backs for soaking so you can sit on the bottom and recline.

That’s cheating. You just grouped 2 steps as Step 1.

I might use a seat to wash my legs/feet, if I had one. But otherwise I like turning around (lather front with water hitting back, lather back with water hitting front, etc.).

Both. I like to get all scrubbed and shiny while standing. Afterwards, if I have time, I like to just sit in the shower and relax. It is a good place to meditate a bit.