My poor teeth

Tomorrow morning at ten o’clock, I will report to a local dental clinic where ALL my remaining teeth will be extracted. This will be done without benefit of sedation, although I will be shot up with whatever local pain killer they shoot you up with nowadays. I don’t think it will be Novocain but I don’t know. I will be fitted with dentures that have already been made. I will not be a happy camper or so I’ve been informed. I will be in pain or so I’ve been informed. I will have some Vicodin but not very much as I have discussed my addiction in detail with the oral surgeon. I will bleed but hopefully not for long and I will not be able to eat anything other than soft food for a couple of days. This will cost me a lot of money.

I have elected to put myself through this; no one is forcing me to go through with it.

I must be an idiot.

Ouch - fingers crossed for you that it all goes well, heals up quickly, and you’ll be chomping happily with your new dentures in no time. :smiley: <— your new teeth

Good wishes to you - my friend’s husband had this done and is very happy with the results.

Do you have to wait until the gums have healed to wear the dentures? I was looking at info for full bridges(non-removable type) recently, and the site of a dentist in this state claimed you had to wait up to six weeks for everything to heal to get the bridge installed. Makes me wonder how much weight a person would lose if on a liquid diet for six weeks…

I hope everything goes well for you :slight_smile:

I too had an acquaintance whose teeth were so painfully deteriorated he had to have many extractions, then finally went for the all-out. He said it was the best decision he’d ever made - with the understanding that letting his teeth get into such a miserable state was one of the worst. Happily, even with full dentures he could still play the saxophone.

Oogh. I’ve had teeth pulled and wear a partial - I took vicodin for the first day but switched to ibuprofen and it actually did more for the pain. Hang in there, it does steadily get better over the first few days. It does depend on which teeth are pulled I’m sure; front teeth are easier than molars.

I had a temporary partial for a couple of weeks, which my dentist fitted with a soft rubbery liner goop almost immediately after the teeth were pulled. I figure a new denture would be lined the same way. I came into the office with teeth and I left with teeth. Mine was elective too, and I haven’t regretted it since.

When I had mine done, rinsing with salt water helped more than the vicodin by a long shot. My SO joked that I had developed a new addiction.
I mixed about a teaspoon of salt in a cup of distilled water, heated in the microwave and then left it by the kitchen sink. I rinsed every time I walked by and it was instant relief.
I have a top plate only and they pulled my molars first, then I had to wait 6 weeks to get impressions done. Then they pulled all the front ones and put my dentures in before I left the office. I had to wear them for 24 hours and then take them out for an hour and put them back in :eek: That was worse than the office procedure.
Now, I am thrilled with the result. I had knocked out all my front teeth as a kid and had numerous fillings in the back which were going bad. My top plate looks much better and works better than my real teeth plus a bridge ever had.
I shopped for a denturist to make sure I didn’t end up with “piano keys” - like this guy → :smiley:

I had a molar out last year and whatever he used to numb me up was awesome. Didn’t feel a goddamn thing aside from pressure. For hours afterward. They don’t use actual Novocain these days, the name just stuck, at least in the US.

elfkin, depending on your dentist and whatnot, there are insta-dentures out there. A lot of people don’t want to wait six weeks to heal without any teeth. I can’t blame them. I only know about this because I occasionally frequent a dental phobe board; I’m not that bad but I’m not too far from it.

Good luck, LouisB! I can’t say it’ll be fun but hopefully it’ll be smooth and as quick as possible. And you are not an idiot!

Note to self: floss every day, floss every day, floss every day

If you lived closer I would bring you some dumplings !!

Good luck hon.

This sounds like a perfect excuse to have a lot of milkshakes! Seriously though, good luck :slight_smile:

Owwies :frowning: Hopefully things go as smoothly and painlessly as possible.

I’ll take any excuse to fill up on mashed potatoes with tons of cheese melted in.

You might be uncomfortable right now, but you’re going to be so happy in the long run. It will be very much worth it. Good luck!

Thanks for all the good wishes.

Unless I am badly mistaken, or something goes wrong during the extractions, the dentures will be put in today. The dentures I will receive today are temporary dentures; temporary in the sense that they will require lots of adjustments and are built in some way that allows the adjustments to be made. In six months, more or less, these temporary dentures will be replaced by permanent dentures. I don’t know the differences in materials, techniques, etc., etc.

I’m really looking forward to being able run down and kill my own prey; tucking into a freshly killed deer, crunching bones, etc., etc. Aside from fantasy, I just wanna munch a steak: A nice, delicious, medium rare New York Strip; I wish I could have one this afternoon but I’m not that optimistic.

Once again, thanks and I’ll check in later, if I’m up to it.

And I would shiver with gratitude; I haven’t had dumplings worthy of the name in a very long time. I ought to try to learn to make them----

Well, I’m back from the dental clinic. I have a mouth full of blood as well as my new dentures; i can’t see 'em very well because of the damn blood but my mouth looks much better than it did, even with the blood.

I’m not going to be eating that steak for a while, I can promise that.

But everything will be all better soon and I will smile and smile and smile because big wide smiles have been scarce lately.

Thanks again for the good wishes.

I’m so sorry. Go get some rest.

Are all your teeth that bad? If at all possible you should try to save a few, especially the upper set. The thing is, if you leave a few teeth the dentures will have an anchor and will hold better. Even one tooth remaining increases the hold by 25%.

I would definately ask about that, unless you’re teeth are just shot anyway.

A pulled tooth shouldn’t hurt that bad. Four ibuprofens are a prescription dose.

^^^ REALLY hasn’t read the thread.

Yay! You’re alive! Take it easy for a while, eh? Don’t drink anything with a straw if you can help it - I think drinking with straws risks you losing a clot in your sockets, and you don’t want a dry socket - you really don’t.

See post number one. All my teeth had been pulled at least an hour before you posted and yes, they were really that bad and worse.