The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer

The trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man has been released. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet as it seems pretty unnecessary to reboot this series already, but Andrew Garfield looks great as Peter Parker and they seem to be going for a bit grittier feel than Raimi (who went a bit more campy with his.)

What say you?

Sally Field as Aunt May? Damn I feel old.

The Lizard was always my favorite enemy though. Hope they do his effects well.

I don’t know. This looks like a movie about some guy with Spider-Man’s powers looking for some secret about his parents, but it doesn’t look like Spider-Man. It doesn’t look particularly bad in any way, though. We shall see.

This is what I don’t like about the trailer. The problem with trying to make Spiderman darker and edgier is that Peter Parker is a teenager, and when you try to make a teensager darker and edgier you end up with with emo. Seeing Peter wearing a hoodie and moping in the back of his high school classroom doesn’t make me think of The Dark Knight, it makes me think of Twilight. It also doesn’t help that, to me, Andrew Garfield just looks like he’s stepped out of a Stephanie Meyer movie.

Yeah. They just tried emo Peter, and it failed miserably. Still, I must admit I’m thrilled by the villain, who I’ve been waiting for since

his alter ego appeared in the first movie (or maybe it was the second).

Looks like they may be going back to the mechanical web shooters (2:12 in the trailer). Not sure how I feel about that now after the first three films, which is weird, because I didn’t like the idea when they introduced organic shooters in the first film.

Second. He was Peter’s professor who introduced him to Dr. Octavius in order to hopefully motivate Peter in his studies more

Just watched the trailer. Not much to see to be honest. Not sure why this series needs a reboot already. Kid looks very Abercrombie and Fitch. Toby macguire may have been too old to play Peter Parker in high school but at least he looked nerdy.

Oh it’s been confirmed that it will be mechanical web shooters in this movie. In fact there are close up pics of them somewhere.

They need to keep this series in his school days, unless they can bring back J.K. Simmons as J Jonah Jameson.

Also, I wonder if they’re going to go the same route as the comics and

kill Gwen Stacy

Andrew Garfield was excellent in *the Social Network *- he has some serious acting chops, and he plays the “insecure cool nerd” extremely well.

Plus, Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben is genius casting.

This does nothing to assuage my concerns about the tone of this movie.

That means that I’m too old to see this movie, or it’s intended audience is much younger than I am. Either way, an “emo” character tells me it’s for the “OMG!” crowd, a member of which I am definitely not.

I may boycott this out of principle - rebooting a series less than five years after the last installment? It’s that same idiot “franchise the shit out of things” approach to moviemaking that’s given us recent gems like the Transformers trilogy. As much as people disliked Spider-man 3, the first two films in that trilogy were great, and I have no particular desire to see another take on Peter Parker so soon.

It doesn’t help, of course, that the reboot looks, as others have noted, like Spider-man: New Moon. And the FPS bit at the end of the trailer was pretty horrific; I’m pretty sure I’ve seen better-rendered graphics on my Xbox 360.

The first of the trilogy came out almost a decade ago, when today’s teen age cinema goers were little kids.

A valid point, but I don’t think that justifies the need for a reboot. The first two Raimi films still look great today (especially Spider-man 2), and have the benefit of not looking like they went through a Stephanie Meyer rewrite.

I guess all I’m saying is that, if I had kids and I just had to show them a Spider-man origin story for whatever reason, I’d rather get Raimi’s Spider-man on Netflix than shell out $30 to watch the Gritty Emo version of the same exact story.

And they’ve all grown up watching it. This new series will be just as old hat to today’s teenagers as it was to those of us who were already adults when Raimi’s Spider-Man came out.

That said, Spider-Man is second only to Batman in my eyes when it comes to superhero love. Anything that gives me a new Spider-Man movie is reason to celebrate.

I don’t mind them using a new cast, but why do a reboot and show the origin story at all? Just make a Spider-Man movie that tells a new story. We know how he’s Spider-Man. They don’t redo the origin or start over each time a comic gets a new writer or artist. They just tell their own stories.

I assume there will be a new Batman movie 2 or 3 years after The Dark Knight Rises. I don’t need to see kid Bruce watch his parents get shot again. It would be a perfect time to do The Dark Knight Returns as a stand-alone.

As written, DKR shows his parents getting shot again.

Making money justifies it. End of story.

Ah I don’t know, a lot of people, even teens like remakes even when they’re familiar with the originals. I suspect some of the audience will be made up of people trying to confirm it’s not as good as the Raimi ones.