Squirrel Porn

(Links under spoiler tags, just in case anyone is really sensitive to nature)

I looked in the back yard the other day, and saw two squirrels dancing around each other. I snapped a few shots, on the off chance that I could catch something interesting.
It’s a little hard to see what’s going on in here:

First picture

But it’s blatantly obvious in this one:

Second picture
I like how his arms are around her waist.

Just had to share.

I used to see that quite often where I worked. Lots of times it was two guys.


OMG! Doing it right out in the open like animals. They probably aren’t even married. This is truly the end of days. :frowning:

I admit that I didn’t actually check the sex of the squirrels.

It wasn’t Wednesday, was it?

Well I think it’s beautiful.

And please-- no cracks about burying nuts in the yard. You’ll ruin it.

And thus we see proven the dangers of gay marriage.

Um…no. It was last Friday. Why?

I posted the second picture on Facebook, asking my friends to caption it. I was somewhat disappointed in the results.

Maybe one squirrel was choking on nuts and the other squirrel was giving it the Heimlich maneuver. Why does your mind always turn first to sex?

My sister saw a squirrel orgy once.

Because I can’t figure out how to tie the first picture in, otherwise. I don’t think that’s part of the Heimlich. Then again, maybe I’m doing it wrong… :stuck_out_tongue:

My daughter saw a duck orgy once. Very hard to explain to a five year old. But those were three v-e-r-y happy ducks!


The sex life of ducks is very… interesting, to say the least: True Facts About The Duck - YouTube

[quote=“thicksantorum, post:13, topic:657952”]

The sex life of ducks is very… interesting, to say the least: True Facts About The Duck - YouTube

Watches, starts cracking up so loud that Bill came over to see it. We both laughed at the second viewing.

hahahaha I just started the true facts about the duck link and i had a fairly blues rocky song also playing in the background so the combination sounded like something from Captain Beefheart — “these are the true facts about the duck…ducks…are…yellow”.

My obligatory video of Hot Pigeon Sex.

And I don’t have any videos, but the Chiang Mai Zoo up in the North tried showing panda porn to their two pandas on loan from hina to get them to mate. Didn’t work. They finally had to resort to artificial insemination.

I am NOT about to start a thread titled “I have squirrel eggs!”

I witnessed a lorikeet orgy once. The two males were taking turns with their lady friend.

OK, I can’t prove it was two guys and a girl but does that really matter, in terms of moral outrage? ;).

:smack: Sorry for the semi-zombie resurrection. It’s D/A’s fault for linking to this in another thread :D.

An early internet meme is naked squirrel. I’ll break the link in case your boss is a deeply closeted zoophile.

http:// images.sodahead.com/polls/001853745/ 612561328_squirrel_nuts_answer_1_xlarge.jpeg

That was clearly drunken squirrel sex - you should’ve seen him the next morning!

It turns out that squirrels are quite the party animals, but they always regret it in the morning.

And just because it came up in my search for the first clip, and made me just about die laughing (though I felt a bit guilty for doing so), I’ll include the following, slightly OT clip, but spoiler boxed and prefaced with the following warning…

Pre-spoiler-box spoiler, skip it if nothing on the internets phases you anymore: The following link within the spoiler box shows a squirrel being stunned, dazed, and narrowly escaping a grizzly death via mouse-trap. There is no blood or visible injury, and it looks like he pulls through alright, but if you’re the kind of animal lover who doesn’t like to see any bad stuff happening to any animal, you’d probably be better off skipping it. That said, you’ll be missing out, because the voice-dubbing and sound effects make it friggin’ hilarious!Sensitive animal lovers have been warned! ItemFix - Social Video Factory If you recognize the groaning/moaning, it’s taken from that ubiquitous video of a reporter squashing wine grapes who fell and did a face-plant. The perfect use of that audio to match the video just about made me lose my shit! Yes, I’m a horrible person.