You know, we should chat about global warming

Has anyone ever noticed that it still gets cold sometimes? Especially in winter? What’s up with that?

Seems like this could be a fruitful topic.

It will be nice to see a certain thread disappear from the main Pit page.

Fuckheads, SCIENCE!

Try turning off the air conditioner.

Thursday 11:42 PM CST. I’ll be refreshing the page, then raising a glass in celebration.

I’d chat, but it’s so cold my teeth are chattering!

OK, everybody!! Coast is clear! We can now admit that Global Warning is a complete hoax!

Can’t now. Too busy fudging data.

I thought the fruitful tropic was the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

With a warm winter maxima of around 72F (22C), that cold temp must be a welcome change from the 113F (45C) summers.

Twill be a cold winter here in New Hampshire.

It is hopeless, I tried to honestly debate the subject but the crazed chewbaca defense tactics of some posters just exhausted me. Easier to talk about unimportant things like movies and TV shows. I’ll save talking about Climate Change to actual people and I barely even do that at this point.

I was hoping all the morons who bought in to Al Gore’s super awesome rising seas theory 15 years ago would’ve sold their beach front property and moved the fuck away from me by now but unfortunately that never happened.

I guess the only people who benefit from that hoax is the assholes who fly their gas guzzling private jets to 100 thousand dollar climate speeches.

Well, there you have it. Erudite and educated opinion from a renowned scholar.

Wait…man-made global warming or natural changes in global climates like what happened to make that last ice age and junk?

We need a jumping off point…

I get cold when I shower and go out to the mailbox before drying off.

Gobbler warming comes with Thanksgiving leftovers.

Exactly! And insurance companies aren’t revising their business models and charging higher premiums in response to the supposed increased risk from this alleged climate change, either! See, it was all a hoax!!

Oh. Wait a minute.

Well, the climate has improved a little, but there are still pockets of foul air.

But at least it’s the kind of idiocy I can appreciate. Sure, canned mayhem is scientifically clueless and just parroting what he heard on Fox, but at least he has a decent thesis statement you can argue against.

20 year old snark award. Timely. This is just the break that…um…one of Al Gore’s opponents has been waiting for!