An impossible thread title: --- Mc---alot: where did it come from?

I believe this joke reached it’s zenith on King of Queens when Kevin James said someone called him:

“Fatty McButterpants”

It’s the Butterpants that really sells it, instead of Fatty McOverweight, or McObese, or something equally mundane.

Wooooooooooooooo! Finally my turn to do it to someone! U-S-A! U-S-A!

I always thought it stemmed from something started back in 1986.

The term “McJob” which was a term for a low paying, entry level, no experience, little advancement type job (like working at McDonalds). (wiki link)
From there it was a prefix meaning cheap, low cost, low quality.
I remember even using it in 1988 when a friend bought a new Yugo and we referred to it as his McCar.

I believe it was Cutie McPretty. There was also Sleepy Sleeperson and Judgy VonHolierThanThou.

Don’t forget Smokey Smokerson.

Given the context of this thread, it’s interesting that it was Sir Mix-a-lot who had a line that said, “The meaning of ‘MC’ is ‘microphone combat’!”

Okay, I’m naming a new WoW toon right this minute … :smiley:

MC stands for" Master of Ceromony" not microphone controller!

I always thought it came from Ronald McDonald. The rhythm is the same.

Probably came from Zombie McBra-a-a-i-i-insalot.

Probably not accurate, but I’ve always associated it with McDonald’s restaurants. Meaning cheap, momentarily filling but not really nutritional. Churned out by the masses for the masses. We refer to the latest housing developments, with the 3,500 sq ft floor plans, high arched roofs to be noticed from the roadway, extremely high cost, with absolutely no property around it, piled on top of each other in tract housing as McMANSIONS.

The word McJob has actually been accepted into the Oxford English Dictionary (much to the dismay of McDonald’s) to describe a low-paying job with little or no chance of advancement nor even satisfaction of accomplishment.

Basically, anything cheaply constructed, short-lasting that’s sold to the public, no matter what the price may be. Or anyone whose character can be similarly described.